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General Discussion

If you don't like the work you are doing and wage .. easy, get out get a different job.

16 Jul 2008

Proves we need more privatisation. Refuse collection here only because its a private operator. Schools .. they are suppose to set an example to our future brains! It must be a nightmare for families to change plans. On schools ..those 20-25yr old teachers really get on my nerves with little experience. I used to have right 'battle axes' as teachers, that did me no harm at all. In 2008 tell a ...

Viaduct refers to his old favourite, his beloved Councilors ..not the good of the country.

Carnival Theme
15 Jul 2008

Can anyone tell me what the theme is for the carnvial this year? Thanks

Yes Roy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

15 Jul 2008

I was at the mount pleasant a few weeks ago...never again. We had to wait ages for our food! And when it arrived the salad was about as nutritious as the cheap paper napkin! And the lasagne was just fatty cheese! And my friends egg looked like it was from a transport cafe! What you say about drink prices is true....i couldn't believe the cost of our round of drinks! The whole experience felt ...

15 Jul 2008

Menu prices are already too high at pubs like the Mount Peasant. Talking of which....the prices of their alcohol and soft-drinks are scandalous! Can they honestly justify the price of pepsi or lemonade, when it is just gloopy syrup? It's a rip off!

15 Jul 2008

Pay staff more and then everyone would moan at the higher charges on the menu .. you cant win!

yes i did there was 2 people who spoke up about there concerns where was teh rest of you??????

Shouldn't that be Sir-Mount? I don't like them either! Money grabbers who pretend to be part of the community. I used to play pool and darts there but it was fake. All they care about is the food business...and that was crap!