I will not make a comment on this subject until others have aired their views, whether it is positive or negative.
I would like to know how others think?
1000% support them. Contrary to popular belief many public sector workers earn low wages.
Why do you think so many of them are out on strike? Not all are senior managers on £50k or so per year.
Proves we need more privatisation.
Refuse collection here only because its a private operator.
Schools .. they are suppose to set an example to our future brains! It must be a nightmare for families to change plans.
On schools ..those 20-25yr old teachers really get on my nerves with little experience.
I used to have right 'battle axes' as teachers, that did me no harm at all. In 2008 tell a child off and the family goes after the teacher!
The Torpont Ferry would be running if it was not council operated. Are people getting over the Tamaer bridge for free? Is a wonder they dont block the bridge.
Do you want to pay higher Council Tax? .. if they get more money, people will get another increased bill and so will they!
An idea ..look at current Council Tax bill, divide it by 365, x 2 and deduct £6 or so from this months payment for a two day imcomplete service.
No I am not in support of the strike, they get enough as it is.
We have a Government which has taken away free education and delights in informing us of how many more people are in work, due to their policies. What they don't tell us is the majority of those jobs are McDonald type jobs, with breadline wages.
Resulting in maximum employment figure PR for the Government and minimum prospects for those manipulated workers.
The other thing that the government has done has been to massively increase the number of people on the public payroll. So there are a lot of 'do nothing' jobs out there that the rest of us have to pay for through local or central taxation. Scope for a lot of cuts I think if a future administration dare grasp the nettle.