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General Discussion

Trident Replacement Necessary

15 Jul 2008 12:20

Trident is a valid deterrent and we need to retain it.

£76 Billion is money well spent to protect our freedom. All those 'peace activists' should realise that they can only protest in a free country such as ours, thanks to the safety and protection that a weapon system like Trident provides.

15 Jul 2008 21:31

what bloody freedom are you wishing to protect?

15 Jul 2008 21:45


Trident although undireable, IS necessary.

Nuclear bombs WILL be dropped agained, we need to be ready.

15 Jul 2008 21:59

Viaduct refers to his old favourite, his beloved Councilors ..not the good of the country.

15 Jul 2008 23:24

What freedoms, we dont need trident to protect our freedoms as this Government is destroying them.

16 Jul 2008 07:38

Think! Unfortunately some people do not have the ability to do that.
I remember when County Hall, Exeter was being built, some 50 years ago.
There is an underground bunker for some of the dignateries to go into should we be threatened with a nuclear attack.
First they have to get in there, then those that did, what are they going to come out too, should an attack be sucessful? A nuclear attack if succesful covers hundreds of square miles. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, will show you that, and todays bombs are much more devistating than that.
Remember the incident when some so called terrorists attacked a large vessel of the US navy, it would have sunk had the explosive been below the waterline instead of above.
So to protect these large carriers from attack would require a navy or air-defence all of it's own, never mind the intended purpose of what they claim it will be for.

Sam Sung
Sam Sung
16 Jul 2008 09:03

Viaduct never refers to the good of anything. However, of course deterrents work and we still need them.

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