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General Discussion

17 Jul 2008

Building contracts go to friends of friends via 'those' handshakes. That's why they ( DTC ) are so keen to see projects like this materialise. A piece of pie for everyone involved......gluttons one and all.

17 Jul 2008

Does anyone no if their a respectable company? As i have spent a long time looking for anything to do with them via search engines. And cant find anything at all. So does anyone have any links or no anything about them. Its my guess that as a typical council, the typical thing that happens with council built parks has happened.(that the council has gone and chosen any odd local building company, ...

Dawlish is rubbish! Why do you think a lot of people eat out in exeter or elsewhere?! All Dawlish has got is greasy food type places. Maybe its because my friends and i are younger and our tastes are more sophisticated. Pubs like The Mount Pleasent or Landsdowne seem to cater to grockles food tastes, with menu's stuck in the 70's. Some chefs are trying to popularise that era again, so maybe they ...

It's called politics. Poli means many......and tics are blood sucking parasites.

What do you think Viaduct then? Its seems people would be happy if they get what they want and so we get higher Council Tax.

'are stuck'

16 Jul 2008

Seems roy and his imaginary friends is stuck for an answer again.Strange how he always runs the town down and yet when asked a normal question he fails to answer.

Oh dear. It is possible to educate yourself to something different if you have the 'get up and go'.

16 Jul 2008


Hello Roy, I see what you mean about this Joey. He comes across as very slimy. Not the sort of person we would wish to fraternise with. He would appear to fit in nicely with that awful pub.