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General Discussion

Who said i was looking down on them? Most of them are students earning pocket money.I wish i'd have had that chance when i was younger , to earn decent money whilst studying.

Yes, but for goodness sake think of something different. If other towns can why not Dawlish? .

Never trust civic journalism. Do you think the likes of Tom Scobie would report anything detrimental regarding ex council colleagues? As far as Dawlish is concerned, journalistic investigation and integrity is severely lacking.

24 Jul 2008

Broken all the rules to get it!

Brunswick Car Park
24 Jul 2008

do you mean barton car park? if so ring the police if your that concerned,

I see on that Tecopoly link the Coop plan to buy Somerfield. One day they will all be one!

24 Jul 2008

see There's a reason its main focus is Tesco's. That's because Tesco's is, quite simply, the biggest baddest, bully about. PS: I like Asda too, but Walmart (owners of Asda) are the USA version of Tesco's here. NASTY!

24 Jul 2008

Thank you Bogof for the info. I am glad Sainsburys got in first. To me Tesco is a 'crafty' set up. Clever marketing, Tesco is not as cheap as people have been led to believe. their prices with any store. I see no need for Tesco, remember it was going to be smaller than Newton, one supermarket is enough here. I do still like.... Asda!..

Teignmouth is moving up I see that. Dawlish does not want to progress, which is very clear, any new ideas are quickly squashed. People see this forum with its comments and given the choice of 'location location' for a new shop/busimess ... Dawlish nolonger ticks the boxes. Even the supermarkets have been met with a brick wall!

24 Jul 2008

Teignmouth and Shaldon looked splendid and magnificent in last weekends sunshine. Pride was apparent in buildings new and old. I was envious. What do we have planned for Dawlish? A dodgy skatepark and now a youth club/centre which is going to house druggies and offenders. Why is Dawlish so lacking in foresight and ambition? Could it be we have councillors who are more concerned with personal gain ...