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General Discussion

Moaning Dawlish
26 Jul 2008

joey open your eyes and ears! if its openness and honesty you want then i suggest you start by scrutinising our councillors you so lovingly defend. The only schizo on this website is you mr deacon for convincing yourself that every posting is that of one person. You deluded fool..... It strikes me you would like to suppress any interaction or debate.....just like dawlish town council do when ...

25 Jul 2008

Wally protheroe protectors....bow your heads in shame. Are you aware of how much corruption this man is involved in? If so...youy are just as culpable....

25 Jul 2008

Walter Protheroe is full of deceit. How many more more times will he be Mayor to enhance his personal fortune? Corrupt man!

25 Jul 2008

smell the response of a smelly councillor. you have been enjoying impunity now you dont like the fact the magnifying glass is out. I suspect barry cunliffe and david force are posting to protect protheroe

Moaning Dawlish
25 Jul 2008

Mum and Mum2 join the happy bunch of constant moaners..what a fab place tis.

25 Jul 2008

Or 3 . You've bored them to death

Moaning Dawlish
25 Jul 2008

Viaduct has become a mum, congratulations

Brunswick Car Park
25 Jul 2008

Sounds like a winge by Roy/Viaduct/olive to me. likes to moan but is never prepared to do anything about things.

Bloody hell Roy/Viaduct has now become a Freelance Reporter on top of nursing,working with the homeless and whatever other garbage he spouts.At least he's stopped posting as Olive , i suppose this was due to having to put a dress on each time.

Only thosands of pounds on food and drink. The dawlish carnival is brilliant. You keep saying "think of new things" yet dont give any suggestions, sounds like a Roy post to me. So Shaldon and Teignmouth do it so much better, come on then in what way?