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General Discussion

1 Aug 2008

No I am not! I am trying to keep little minds focused on the problems ahead. What is happening now, rings similarity's to the war years. And what did Winston say in his great speech on 20 August 1940, nearly 68 years ago for those whose arithmetic is not up to scratch? "Never was so much owed by so many to so few." Credit cards have caused the problem. People with no money borrowing from ...

Joey Deacon
1 Aug 2008

not sure about viaduct but im not. whats so good about people drinking too much and planes with coloured smoke? if modern life is chuckin lots of greasy food and gut busting ice creams down your neck while watching people dressed up then you can keep it. carnivals are for mindless idiots who spend the rest of their time watching dumb saturday night talent shows.

1 Aug 2008

Ok .. but you are enjoying it!

Greedy Tesco!
31 Jul 2008

Er....... Every Little Helps is 16 letters Let Every Shop Sell It is 18 letters Something amiss somewhere?

more conceited than handsome i'd say. still, if man love is yer thing then deacon may the force be with you

31 Jul 2008

some people have said your david force.

31 Jul 2008

I'm NOT Deacon .. why shoudl I be? .. actually im not that bothered about the Council. If you are unable to list for everyone no matter.

31 Jul 2008

I see you have nothing to list lol.

31 Jul 2008

Can you list what they are 'obstructive, devious, underhand' with. Ignoring the youth centre. Not your thought with them just the actual departments. 1, 2, 3, etc.

31 Jul 2008

If people had been more constructive rather than constanly tearing apart the Council it would have been better. The Council surely must do something right? I do not understand why people have an obsession with them here. I have never had any dealings with them. Yes you are right websites will because of what has happened, will i am sure have a restriction on them at some point.