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Take a look at the majority of titles on the Forum

31 Jul 2008 10:29

Although this forum has some interesting points at times it is def becoming slightly biased towards certain subjects.

31 Jul 2008 10:42

Welcome Trigger. Yes it's a shame, but is necessary as we have a Council that refuses to act with openness and transparency. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are questioning the Council motives. Eventually this will lead to Councillors having to adhere to legal practices, which in turn, will lead to less Council content on websites, including this one.

Something special about English summer rain, don't you think?

31 Jul 2008 10:57

If people had been more constructive rather than constanly tearing apart the Council it would have been better. The Council surely must do something right?
I do not understand why people have an obsession with them here. I have never had any dealings with them.
Yes you are right websites will because of what has happened, will i am sure have a restriction on them at some point.

31 Jul 2008 11:14

Hello anon, you obviously haven't had dealings with Dawlish Town Council. The most obstructive, devious, underhand Council that you will encounter. They wave one hand to the residents showing their PR side....while the other hand is out of view and propagating personal gain.

It's not obsession, just a determination to see fair play and justice as regards the running of our town, of which we are all very proud of.

Posters like Joey Deacon dearly wish to suppress debate. If it was up to him we would have full censorship overnight. Thankfully, we live in a democracy which believes in freedom of speech. Mr Deacon would be better occupied in China, where their censorship views match perfectly. Those Olympic rings are looking more like nooses every day.

31 Jul 2008 11:48

Can you list what they are 'obstructive, devious, underhand' with. Ignoring the youth centre. Not your thought with them just the actual departments. 1, 2, 3, etc.

31 Jul 2008 12:22

It appears Joey Deacon is interested in Council matters after all. A liar as well as a hypocrite and slimy......

31 Jul 2008 13:21

I see you have nothing to list lol.

31 Jul 2008 13:33 know the list. As will everyone when your malfeasance is out in the public domain. Smugness always one step ahead of a fall (or should that be fool in your case?).

31 Jul 2008 13:37

I'm NOT Deacon .. why shoudl I be? .. actually im not that bothered about the Council. If you are unable to list for everyone no matter.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008 13:38

anon - you know as well as I do that we're the same person...

31 Jul 2008 13:39

some people have said your david force.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008 13:44

If only I was as handsome as he is!

Does this count as taking to ones self? ;-)

PS I'm not Chicken Shed either, not that the nutter (whose messages I'm no longer replying to) will believe me.

31 Jul 2008 13:51

more conceited than handsome i'd say. still, if man love is yer thing then deacon may the force be with you

31 Jul 2008 16:21

No transparency, discriminate against other religions by only holding to their own, discriminate against those that cannot attend council meetings and not keeping them informed via the internet. Just look for yourself and see how dated their web site is.
Google it!
I could go on, but that is enough for you to get on with.

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