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General Discussion

Joey Deacon

Carnival Week
Carnival Week
31 Jul 2008 13:36

Not long to go now - I'm really looking forward to it as once again the people organising the Carnival try to make a positive difference to Dawlish.

A big thank you should also go to all businesses that have sponsored this years event. These are people who put their money where their mouth is, so it's only fair to publicise them on here:

International Dance Supplies
Dawlish Coaches
The Exeter Court Hotel
First Great Western Trains
The Smugglers Inn
Blackboard Associates
Bluebell's Florists
Dawlish Trader
Dawlish RAFA Club
Dawlish Royal British Legion Club
The Dawlish Gazette
Dinkum Dogs
Force and Sons Estate Agents
Gays Creamery
Geronimo's Cafe
Jens Sweets
Lady's Mile Holiday Park
The Lansdowne Inn
The Mount Pleasant Inn
Pavilion Amusements
Quaywest / The Boathouse
Rowlands Funfair
Scott Richards Solicitors
The South Devon Inn
Star Lettings
Sticky Fingers
Swan Inn
Take the Bait
The Ugly Duckling Restaurant
The White Hart Inn
Warren Trading Company

ex shop keeper
ex shop keeper
31 Jul 2008 13:45

Not sure if that is fair listing names.
Kind of labels those who are unable to, i have been there, starting a new shop in another town was not easy, it's a shame you have to through money at things to be popular and to become 'accepted'.. strikes clicky to me.
It annoys me seeing a sign in shop windows saying 'we supported the carnival'.. happens in other towns too. What ya want a Crackerjack pencil or blue peter badge? .. you can give to things without making a noise about it you know.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008 14:41

I got the Subject and Name the right way round this time!

Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival?

31 Jul 2008 16:29

What about the other businesses that do not show up in your profound list? Is that the extent of the businesses in Dawlish or have you accidently missed some?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
31 Jul 2008 17:00

Hi Viaduct.

I'm glad that you think 'my' list is profound, as that reflects my personality - i.e. marked by intellectual depth.

Are you looking forward to Carnival Week? I bet you can't wait either! 40 years it's been going - wonderful positive news for Dawlish!

Where's the ex shop keeper gone? No wonder his business went bust, if his attitude to polite questions is to ignore them!


31 Jul 2008 17:25

Deacon you have as much depth as the Brook....and your mind seems to be full of the same muddy brown stuff!

The main reason you are happy about carnival week is that it allows you and your fellow Roundtable and Rotary members to take advantage of the concentrated numbers of people in the town when you collect money for your administration fees.
Oops....meant to say collect for charities...

Do you inform the people who donate that up to 40 per-cent is siphoned off and directed away from those charities?

31 Jul 2008 21:50

Remember folks, the law requires that street collections should be made in sealed containers.
Those that made the law, must have had doubts about those collectors that could make off with a bob or two by putting their mucky fingers into the bucket and grabbing a handful.

How many open containers will be used carnival week?

Rotary will no doubt have there lackies outside of Loyds selling lottery tickets on the street, which is another unlawful activty.
But I bet there will be many anarchists coming to their rescue.

ex shop keeper
ex shop keeper
31 Jul 2008 22:18

You assume much and clearly a negative view you prefer..
The business did not go bust the lease ended if you really want to know!
Some people do not sit on the PC all day .. so just seen your post.
Re the Carnival ..I will be away from Dawlish all day... not bothered, saw it once, all say its the same every year.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 09:59

Hi Viaduct,

Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival?


01 Aug 2008 10:28

not sure about viaduct but im not. whats so good about people drinking too much and planes with coloured smoke? if modern life is chuckin lots of greasy food and gut busting ice creams down your neck while watching people dressed up then you can keep it. carnivals are for mindless idiots who spend the rest of their time watching dumb saturday night talent shows.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 10:50

Dear Anon.

You say "I'm not". But you're anonymous, so how do we know who "I" is? Very odd (and strangely familiar) behaviour. I guess it's just an oversight on your part.

For the record, the Carnival is about so much more than the narrow and subjective description that you provide.

So, to enlighten you and others, here is the full programme of events. It all looks like tremendous fun and will be great news for the people and businesses of Dawlish (not to mention all of the local and national charities that will benefit). Well done to all of the people involved in organising it!!

Saturday 9th:
Dawlish Garden Show.
Charity Day.
Tamar Valley Westerners Show.
Crowning of the Royalty & Grand Firework display at Dawlish Warren.

Sunday 10th:
Opening Ceremony.
Family Treasure Hunt and Children's Boat Race.
The Kagemusha Taiko Drummers.
Wakefield Fleur De Lys Majorettes.
Exotic Animal Lectures in the Marquee.
Red Sparrows.
Target Bowls Competition.
Brass Bands.

Monday 11th:
Junior "It's A Knockout".
Kids Races.
Senior "It's A Knockout".
Carnival Bingo.

Tuesday 12th:
Footlights Dance Academy show.
Dawlish United 5-a-side Football.
Junior Fun Run.
Sandcastle Competition.
Pram Race.

Wednesday 13th:
Clay Modelling.
Children's Fancy Dress.
Fire Brigade display and competition.
Carnival Bingo.

Thursday 14th:
Dawlish Carnival Airshow.
Grand Carnival Procession.
Live music all evening featuring
"Dave Can't Dance" and Estover's "Real Steel" Steel Band.

Friday 15th:
Pavement Artist Competition.
Pet Show.
Baby Show.
Duck Race.
Raft Race.

Saturday 16th:
Dawlish Art & Stamp Exhibition.
Wakefield Majorettes.
Carnival Idol finalists perform before the Monday 18th Final.

01 Aug 2008 11:01

doh! if you say its subjective then how can my view be narrow? you sound like a right numpty! ive looked at some of the things you have said on here and you come across as a right bully. your reply to me bangs on about business so it is clear why you are pushing carnival week. i bet your one of those who has dressed up like a right idiot. some people dont like carnivals so get over yourself you big bully

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 11:12

Hi Anon.

The definition of subjective is:
"Based on personal feeling or interpretation; not objective."

The definition of numpty is:
"An idiot or fool."

I can't wait for the carnival and all the happy smiling faces of locals, visitors and charities.

No doubt there will be some miserable people who don't like to see people enjoying themselves or hate to see Dawlish being portrayed in a positive light.

But thankfully they are a tiny minority.


01 Aug 2008 11:24

what a twat you are! i can see why a lot of other people dont like you. just for your information with subjectivity comes differences of opinion which is something you dont like other people having. you talk about the carnival in a very creepy cheesy way you sound like a double glazing salesman. im not miserable so dont be presumptuous and i dont mind people enjoying themselves but i do hate people who bang on about things just to make money. from now on after seeing what others have said i will give differently to charity. i definitely wont give it to dodgy dealers like you you pillock

01 Aug 2008 11:58

Notice Deacon is unable to apologise when he gets things wrong! ...but expects responses.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 12:27

Hi Anon (are you the same Anon, or a different one - oh my gosh, it's so difficult to tell?!!)

Are you looking forward to the Dawlish Carnival and to the joy that it will bring to the faces of people young and old?

I apologise if I come across as an enthusiastic, happy and positive person who loves this wonderful little town.

I also apologise for having the intelligence to understand the meaning of certain words and for being able to express myself without having to resort to profanities.


01 Aug 2008 12:44

thats a lie as ive seen you call people a pedo on this website. i understand words but dont assume im better than anyone else because of that like you do and anyway expression is subjective. dont you realise how arrogant you are thinking your right all the time? i can see why other people find you such a jerk. you come across as smug and up your own ass. your idea of fun is not mine but that wont stop a bully like you.

you prattle on about dawlish but i doubt the people are proud of you. who likes a bully?

01 Aug 2008 13:00

and by the way i dont put my name cus i know who i am unlike you who has to remind himself of who he is has you have lost your identity in the big boys club you need to be part of to feel like a man.
i think other people on here are saints having to deal with a moron like you.

01 Aug 2008 13:59

Great - I don't need to buy a programme now.

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 14:16

Dear Anon. Or is it "Anon"??! It's so hard to tell!!

Thank you for your insults. I'm sure that your mummy is very proud of you.

As for me, I'm very proud of Dawlish and will promote it from the rooftops. I don't understand why people like yourself are so miserable all the time. It's such a shame.

Still, everyone else is going to enjoy the wonderful Carnival! I can't wait to show off our fantastic town to crowds of people who will all go home and tell their friends and family how great our town is!!

01 Aug 2008 14:57

As you have probably noticed Anon....Slimy Joey Deacon does his usual twisting of people's posts. He's good at that...get's a lot of practice with the dubious company he keeps. I don't believe any of us have been anti-carnival, yet he assumes as he always does that he knows everything. You know what they say about those who assume....

He's only proud of Dawlish as long as it makes him and his accomplices money. The charity collecting is just a ruse to 'cream-off' their 40 per cent cut.

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
01 Aug 2008 21:12

Anon it was me that called Raving Roy/viaduct/many anons a pedo as well as a toss-pot, knob jockey, nutter ,arse bandit,schizo,tranny, bitty lover,looney and most of all a Dawlish Hater. Please dont give my credit to someone else.

10 points to the Marine Tavern

01 Aug 2008 21:24

hello Deacon!

your loving bandit x

01 Aug 2008 21:30

15 points to your lot Chicken for being called a DEACON. ha ha

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