I cannot understand why the the ERG are regarded the rebels in this Brexit negotiation. When in all truth it is the 400 M.P's who lied to get to voted into office and then rolled over, to remain in the E.U.against the will of the people We have never accepted rule from another country and I cannot see it starting now.The present M.P.s whatever party Conservative or Labour should ...
taxes are paid by our people for our people not E.U. We can go on and on.GET OVER IT.
So no tomatoes,daffodils no Viagra, Can't imagine sending out U Boat packs or E boats. Get learning to live without these things as said before Merccedes VW cars Fiat cars can rust in parking lots abroad as here. Save 49 Billion pounds, suspect people will say we need more coppers more navy ships aircraft etc.
If Teresa May her advisors or Others try to ignore the referendum result or call for another vote. Dare I say it could end up in total anarchy.
Should we have a vote of no confidence in her ability ? She was no good in the Home Office. No good in calling an election (when so called 20 odd points ahead of Labour) and losses 17 odd seats in the process her majority. Still got her head up her arse over negotiating with E.U.Where she has been in talks and got a two fingered salute. 117 vote against her,200 give her vote ...
It seems Teresa May has a plan B which if she loses her deal in Parliament, is to have after many statements not to, will propose a second referendum. Surely if true someone had better send in the letters of no confidence in her and the Conservative party.
No deal is better than a bad deal! Well old love you and your advisors who as civil servants should not be in the room You bought us a bad deal. Now follow what little honesty you have left and go. You have done enough.
Why do people and her cabinet and party keep on giving her more chances to change? SHE WILL NOT!
HI Lynne YES Well don't rely on the French Dutch or if memory serves the Germans. Or are you suffering the illness many have of convenient amnesia.
As for the Southern Irish is concerned ban their lorries from crossing into the UK and on to Dover and get them to send the goods by ferry around the mainland of Britain and direct to Europe. Jobs a good'un.