Be in no doubt a man with talent ,in fact we are all blessed. But can a surf board?
If the government declares no elections yes (i know it might not be in this area) but maybe some later time when it suites.Then it goes to follow no democracy, no vote , no council tax. Goes without saying.
if it as alleged a £22 billion pound shortfall in the government finances why has there not been an enquiry, surely we are not talking about a few pints of beer. Again the question must be asked how an alleged economy chancellor found this in days of taking office. Either the £22bilion debt is obviously in front of everyone to see. Or she is brighter or more clever than we expected,or ...
If there is an alleged 22 billion pound missing then the problem is double that is missing and by my logic,first is the missing 22 billion pounds secondly the department involved are asking the population to make up the alleged shortfall so by my maths in theory we are expected to reimburse another 22 billion pounds should be an investigation by the police urgent. where is the truth?
This has been mentioned many times it is alleged that £22 billion pounds is now gone missing which no one knew about and been a surprise to most. Well if this is allegedly so, and after all it is its the peoples money.Where is the money? Where is it?.Should the police investigate the situation?
Why has the speaker of the house not intervened to point out the present government has brought parliament in to disrepute and a bloody joke. On a slightly different subject why does the media send reporters to these great speeches by our leaders in government of intent when they are a complete and utter load of B.S.
if anyone humiliates our glorious leader or embarrass him with a petition, he immediately seeks revenge by promoting an utter waster in sadiq khan just to pi -- everyone off. like a tempestuous child that he is.
Again I don't understand. How an unqualified "economist" can find twenty plus million pounds. Even more disturbing how in 4 Months she has sorted out and put the country back on a more even footing. Have to say all the other economist have been pulling the wool over our eyes.My own opinion is it's dead easy job and money for old rope.Are we so bloody lucky or are we being taken in? AGAIN.
does anyone have in mind who could be the the next archbishop to take over from Welby. As the latest trend is to embelish your CV. So if an ex Anglican Priest out there is available please forward your application to lambeth palace.PS. Not by mail.
it reminds me of my dim history lessons of the land clearances in Scotland and northern England. It could be thought a very rich person could increase his/her farm land portfolio. Anyone out there any ideas who that could be.