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General Discussion

Can we really trust our local Council? With the shenanigans that still persist over the Supermarket debacle and the disgraceful hushed-up 'change of use' regarding our new Youth Centre, questions are being asked of who Dawlish Council is really representing. It's certainly not us residents. Now there is news that Dawlish Council is planning to squander more money, by building new Council ...

Council Gazette
4 Aug 2008

Where is the input/explanation from our mayor Protheroe and Dawlish Council in The Dawlish Gazette regarding the very important news about the 'change of use' of the new Youth Centre? What do we get on this weeks front page? Wally Protheroe with a pair of Ducks! What pathetic journalism! Also hypocritical on mayor Protheroe's part, considering the Ducks that are cooked and eaten in his Pub. ...

When giving to charities, optimise the benefits of your donation by contributing directly to your chosen charity. This way, charities will gain the maximum amount from your philanthropy. When you give money to the likes of Roundtable or Rotary, they 'cream off' up to 40 per cent through loopholes, which they call 'admin'. That's a lot of money NOT going where it should be. Just as offensive, is ...

Dawlish ciytunitedvillarovers

Just a thought. If our mayor Protheroe is happy to endorse and sanction a Youth Centre that will also be a Centre for drug users and alcoholics, isn't he guilty of double-standards considering he runs a business that is all about selling as much alcohol as possible? Isn't that a conflict of interests?


Jeremy Kyle?! Highlights your lack of education.

I know its amazing, no matter how many times I wash the car, incie-wincie still manages to re-spin

4 Aug 2008

Whay have you to say ?

Yes, and other threads as well.