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General Discussion

i think it's their signatures

why else do they want to be on the Council?! Not to help anyone else but themselves, that's why! They do their bit for the town to throw residents off the scent.

what happened to previous owners?

Too busy protecting tourism and forgetting about the residents

Council Gazette
4 Aug 2008

He has to check with mayor Protheroe before he can send anything for print

roundtable would cream-off 40 per-cent from poppy sellers given half the chance!

Lasagne Recipe
4 Aug 2008

brits put too much cheese in their lasagnes. hardly authentic

Anything to keep the money grabbing tourist industry afloat.

who is Anon
4 Aug 2008

it means anonymous you retard. Meaning someone who doesnt wish to name themselves. And chance predicts that more than one person doesnt want to name themselves.Therefore there can be anons replying to anons.

Too many words and paragraphs to comprehend i expect. They don't tell you all this when they're handing out the (bias) Blue Flags.