I would like to vote you off this website.
This will stir things up. I don't think woman should have the vote, they should be bossed around by men like the lady in Iran. Now that's my opinion.
No, you can have the opinion without the insults. The opinion that women shouldn't wear the burqa is fine and valid but the insults are not needed when discussing it.
In PC Britain having an opinion is no longer allowed. In Iran women are rebelling against having to wear clothing like this, but yet in this country you get castigated for voicing a similar opinion. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6070611/Brave-Iranian-woman-confronts-cleric-told-fix-hijab-shell-arrested.html
And yet again, freedom of speech is used as an excuse for racism. Truly vile comments from majorp and his supporters.
The good thing about this thread is that there is no longer any doubt (as if there ever was) who the racist bigots with abhorrent views are.
@S , I think the comments could be construed as offensive and so you could be right. I would add that it's not just the forum terms that matter, there is also the racial and religious hatred act 2006 everyone needs to be mindful of when posting.
@S like it or not, they are my opinions.
@majorp that's not an opinion though " slits were too narrow to post a letter though", " male or female underneath those black garments" and " One thing I can be certain of is, they won't be getting a suntan down here." are not opinions.
@S have you heard of freedom of speech and what part of the comment don't you like? Opinions are rife on this site, my comments is just another. Like other's have said before, if you don't like what is said, don't read it.