@DEEDOODLE I would put all Abrahamic religions in the same box as they have similar roots to their beliefs
@DEEDOODLE yes, all religions were made up by men.
It does seem odd that they want to steer people away from visiting the Warren, but if this is approved it will mean even more visitors.
Maybe we should try harder to make it the case? Comments like " It always seems to be by the same few." don't help. When someone throws insults around don't throw them back etc.
Just wondering. How often does a sensible debate take place here that doesnt contain name calling and personal abuse. It always seems to be by the same few.
This planning application is on the agenda at this coming Thursday's (23rd Aug) town council planning committee meeting.
@S .. do you have the same view towards, say the quran?
I totally agree that the bible is a collection of stories made up by men. But others think it is all the word of God. And isn't God a male? And it's not only Judaism/Christianity that has this attitude towards women. Click on this link and then scroll down to the In Religious Thought section. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matriarchy
We have worked to correct the indoctrination of religion over recent history. We still have work to do but laws/attitudes over the last 40 years are moving in the right direction.
The bible is a collection of books written (made up) by men so why do you think it would say anything other than control over women given the time these stories were written?