Send the little horrors down to the beach with a bucket and spade. Job done.
What has your gender, age or postcode have to do with your views on dogs? Typical , nosey, prying council. They'll do what they want anyhow.
I bet sometimes you wonder, if it's all worth it Webmaster?
Makes you wonder what she actually did, except drinking tea, eating choccy biscuits and going to meetings.
Should have implemented the policy , a long time since, I hope you stick to your guns webmaster.
Heard all that before.
That request will open a can of worms.
Perhaps there is a case for public hangings for perpetrators?
@S you concede then that morty vicker isn't wired up properly. by the way I am quite calm. I smoke too much grass to get excited.
What's the difference between a resident of Langdon and Morty Vicker. One has serious mental problems and the other is a resident in Langdon.