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General Discussion

11 May 2017 10:49

Low life scum.

Illegal Parking

Illegal Parking

1 Agree
11 May 2017 11:52

Parking in Dawlish is a Joke, I have reported a van parked on the Pavement, and  Bus Stop near Lanherne since last October 2016 and it still parks every day.

2 Agrees
11 May 2017 12:01

@UPWITHIT that'll probably be the one that's working opposite.  originally it always parked on the pavement outside, no idea how he got away with it. 

We have a sharp corner where I live where idiots park on.  We had an ambulance come to pick someone up and they have to attempt to reverse 4 times before they could get out (couldn't use the turning bay as people parked there!).  One of the cars on the corner got smashed up one evening, no idea if it was personal or not, but they still park there.  This is on housing estates with fairly wide roads.  I dread to think was it's like on some of the new ones. 

1 Agree
11 May 2017 12:37

The problem with people with this sort of attitude, that being the inconsiderate motorist, is that you are likely going to get verbally/physically assualted if you have words with them as to why they should not park there.

Why not get a push bike and ride at speed into the back of their vehicle, it is a cycle path along there. Should give them something to moan about when they see the dents and broken window on their vehicle. Obviously wear lots of protective gear when performing this type of activity!,

Just kidding, I would not condone this type of activity... it would be anti social and annoying like parking on a foot/cycle path.

1 Agree
11 May 2017 13:52

That was a quiet day @Paul.




Michael wasn't impressed with this parking.

5 Agrees
11 May 2017 17:21


5 Agrees
12 May 2017 08:23

Yesterday I see five vans parked on Cycle Path/Pavement  near Lanherne.

13 May 2017 02:24

Get a life people, nobody uses the cycle path for anything else so why not take advantage of the extra parking space

3 Agrees
13 May 2017 14:03

i use the cycle path for cycling as do many others @FredBassett are you encouraging illegal activity?

3 Agrees
16 May 2017 15:01

I see a lot of Blue Badge on display that are folded in half and not showing any time, is this llegal .

I have cars/vans parked for days.


16 May 2017 15:29

The Council paint an image of a cycle onto a pathway that was previously pedestrian use only, and bingo they've created a "new" cycle path, and a whole lot of conflict.

6 Agrees
16 May 2017 17:21

The offence is obstruction of a cycle path or lane the PCSO,s cant deal with it they have had there traffic powers removed, the CEO,S cant deal with it its not in there remit, that leaves the Police now they can deal with it but do they want to i doubt they have the time.

16 May 2017 18:25

A friend who works on the highways tells me the council can issue a code 49 PCN for parking wholly on a cycle track or lane or the police can issue a FPN for either driving on a cycle track or for obstruction of the highway. The law is section 21 road traffic act 1988 and 137 highway act 1980.

Victor M...
Victor M...
16 May 2017 22:03

How about this?  Please comment on how many offences you can see here?

20170516 190941

16 May 2017 22:15

Now thats great parking, zig zags and how about those wanting to cross the road, say a wheelchair user who needs to use the drop kerb but whos view is blocked to the right by a very inconsiderate driver

1 Agree
17 May 2017 20:01

Nowt wrong  with that parking.  Plenty of room for everyone .laugh

3 Agrees
18 May 2017 15:48

@Victor Meldrew - illegally spaced number plate for one.

1 Agree
18 May 2017 19:11

OMG the vigilante brigade are really out and around in town. So what time of day was the Geralds van photo taken, looks like very early to me.

Its just a shame the real crimes and other more important issues get overlooked.

6 Agrees
19 May 2017 06:20



Nobody in their right mind would use that drop kerb (in front of the van) to cross the road.

If they wanted to cross the road, they will use the propper crossing point behind the van that also has a drop kerb with the knobbly bits.

Far too many people cross the road in dangerous places as they cant be bothered to go a couple of extra yards/metres to use the crossing.



19 May 2017 10:26

Carer the point is the van is parked illegaly it doesn't matter how you cut it the van driver is in the wrong and it is a endorsable offence 3 points on his or her licence and a hefty fine. 

4 Agrees
19 May 2017 14:43

The same vigilante brigade will be the same people that moan about the lack of shops and facilities etc in town. What do they expect the shop keeper to do to unload his van, park up Bartons and carry the stuff down on his back so some scum bag can rob him and spray acid in his face. If TDC hadnt surrounded the entire town in double yellow lines and stupid cycle paths that apparently you cant stop on either then there may not be this problem. Sick to death of minority groups claiming priority over everything and everyone else.

3 Agrees
From The Grave
From The Grave
19 May 2017 15:13

I didn't realise that pedestrians were a minority group. 

6 Agrees
19 May 2017 16:25

The delivery driver for the ice cream parlour parks in the loading bay in Piermont Place and sack barrows it over, it's pure laziness on the part of the driver a bit of hard work never hurt anyone. My second point is everyone keeps on about getting acid sprayed in there face and to my knowledge since 1984 its the only incident of its type i dont remember anything similar happening.

31 May 2017 11:02

Didn't think it could get any worse.




1 Agree
31 May 2017 11:45

I see the Royal Mail van, parked on the Pavement about 10am each day, as in the Photo.

1 Agree
elvis presley
elvis presley
31 May 2017 12:35

Perhaps there is a case for public hangings for perpetrators?

31 May 2017 12:46

Anyone like to speculate on why cyclists use the road instead of the path sometimes? Anyone?

31 May 2017 13:39

@ZIGGY did you ask Michaels permission to put his photograph with name all over the world wide web... just saying.

01 Jun 2017 12:34

@Tom Cyclists use the road, as the path is now used as a car park.

3 Agrees
03 Jun 2017 12:14
@ZIGGY... When I spoke to Micheal he knew nothing about his picture and name being on Some people are more vunerable than others to to your vigilante photography. How would you like to be named and photographed standing next to your set of shiney new wheels and put on the world wide web?
2 Agrees
03 Jun 2017 12:34
I completely agree with @Gloria whereas the photographer owns the copyright to the photograph, i believe they should have a duty of care to seek the consent of the other person in order to take the photograph in the first place and  also to inform them of any intention to publish on the internet or elsewhere.
If an agreement isn't reached the photo should not be published. Or even taken for that matter.
As @Gloria writes, when vulnerable people are involved it takes on another dimension.
1 Agree
05 Jun 2017 13:58

Glad someone else can see my point!

05 Jun 2017 14:37

there's a slight bullying tone to your posts @Gloria.  is there a particular reason you couldn't message @ZIGGY separately rather than taking to personal insults?

6 Agrees
05 Jun 2017 15:28

@Gloria, give it a rest ...just saying.

2 Agrees
20 Jun 2017 12:39

Response from Devon Highways - 


Dear Sir/Madam,
Parking EnforcementEnquiry
LocationExeter Road Dawlish
Further to your communication received on 26-April-2017 the record was completed on the 
The following information is now available;
Unfortunately we do not deal with pavement parking unless there are adjacent restrictions in place
Thank you.
Devon Highways


20 Jun 2017 12:57

Which begs the question - so who does deal with pavement parking? (assuming of course that someone, somewhere, does).


·         The Rules For Parking On Pavement - Call Wiser

7th December 2015. Parking on the Pavement – What are the Rules? Many people do it, sometimes out of necessity; sometimes out of laziness. But parking on or ...

·         Freeing pedestrians from pavement parking blight - GOV.UK

The government is making it easier for councils to tackle pavement parking and stop it causing an obstruction to pedestrians, Regional and Local Transport Minister ...

·         Drivers face pavement parking ban - The Telegraph

“Getting rid of pavement parking is fine – but only if you then remove some of the redundant double-yellow lines in order to create space elsewhere.”

·         Pavement parking could see you face a ban ... -

Pavement parking: UK drivers could soon face £70 FINE for parking on kerbs PAVEMENT parking could soon be banned across the whole of the UK if local authorities are ...

·         Q387: Can I park on the pavement? - Ask The Police

Q387: Can I park on the pavement? Local authorities ... Otherwise, parking a vehicle on the pavement could lead to an offence of obstruction being committed.

·         Are the great pavement parking rows finally coming to an ...

Are the great pavement parking rows finally coming ... Fast forward nearly 200 years andThe Highway Code summarises the rules on pavement parking like ...

·         Local Authority Parking Enforcement (1st May 2013)

Local Authority Parking Enforcement. Written evidence from Carlton Reid, Executive Editor, (PE 01) PAVEMENT PARKING. Parking on pavements is endemic in ...

·         Pavement and on-street

3 Pavement and on-street parking in England Summary This paper outlines the general legal position on what is colloquially called ‘pavement


04 Aug 2017 16:05

From today's Gazette:

Dawlish Warren Cycle Lane concerns voiced

CYCLISTS are complaining that the cycle lanes on either side of the main road through Dawlish Warren are regularly obstructed by vehicles.

Dave Rice from Teignmouth, who regularly uses the route, said it was becoming dangerous.

‘The road is quite narrow, and cars, vans and lorries park across the lanes on a regular basis, and there is no sign the regulations are being enforced.

‘One of the worse places is outside the supermarket.

‘It is very scary if you have to suddenly pull out into the road because of obstructions, and I have had several confrontations with drivers who think

they can park on the cycle lane with impunity.

‘They become quite indignant if you challenge them. ….


….. A Devon County Council spokesman said: ‘Our enforcement teams will be patrolling this area, however this is an advisory cycle lane

and enforcement would be carried out against anyone in breach of the double yellow lines restrictions, rather than the cycle lane.


I didn’t know that cycle lanes came in different flavours, how is anyone supposed to know the difference?

2 Agrees
04 Aug 2017 21:18

Pavement parking. It is not a offence to park on the footpath but it is a offence to mount the kerb but it has to be seen to be an offence. But if a vehicle totally blocks the footpath it can be dealt with as obstruction but not if there is room for a wheelchair to pass. Who can deal with these offences mounting the kerb and obstruction of the footpath only the Police so the chances of having it dealt with is nill to zero.  How did this madness occur when parking was decriminalised and the Police Traffic Wardens who had the powers to deal with all traffic offences were made redundant and the CEO was born who have no powers to deal with the above zig zags and many other parking offences. Now just to finish the PCSO,S had traffic powers to deal with obstructions zig zags etc but those powers have recently been withdrawn to save money, it costs the Police to issue tickets as all revenue goes to goverment central funds so there you have it folks the minefield of pavement parking.

1 Agree
05 Aug 2017 09:43

Vans/cars blocking entrance to the flats in EX7 9HY all day.

05 Aug 2017 16:49

Do you mean Iddesleigh Terrace?

1 Agree
05 Aug 2017 18:15

Two large white vans parked on Iddesleigh Terrace pavement (just down a bit from where the estate agent is located) this morning when I walked into town.


1 Agree
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