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General Discussion

Torre Abbey beach given all clear. Preston beach water still at unacceptable level for swimmers and bathers. More heavy rainfall forecast.

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Chuff by name, chuff by nature. Off for a bite to eat....have chewed you up enough.

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

Just this forum?! You really do struggle with words, don't you? Priceless drivel..... Do you do stand-up in one of your locals? You assume so much about me in your drive to fish for clues. Give up you amateur.

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Your salary is naturally your business. Not bothered. What does involve me is 'your kind' using our town as a ruse for roundtable/rotary business. I expect you will have to go now as Dragon's Den is on. money money money

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

Putty in my hands.... Do you really think i would utilise just one website?? You would like to know so much's what 'your kind' do...find out, vet, then manipulate. And when you can't lose control.

It's been on NEWS 24. Good to see openness prevail.

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Myself and many others do not have to bleat on about how much we do for charity or our town. We just do it (hey, what a great byline!) and we don't expect backhanders either.

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

Many people! That's why you've got your little panic're frightened it might derail your gravy train. It's all me, me, me, with your kind.

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

I am doing A LOT! How arrogant and dismissive of you to assume this is my only outlet (oops, scuse the sewage pun there). The difference is, i do things for nothing, as opposed to your kind who always seek payment, in some form or other.

Why the panic? People buy newspapers and view the Web.....not sure what eats you up so much, it's only news, after all.