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General Discussion

Unfortunately the same would apply here. Food Safety Cert as a minimum and probably one of the new fangled hygiene certs too. Great idea though, I wonder if the Enviro Health Dept would waive their rules for charity. Someone should try it.

Neglected Area
3 Jul 2012

By coincidence I was looking at the council's website today about their responsibilities for weeds (in particular Ragwort which you see in abundance in their area of responsibility although private landowners can be prosecuted for it) and noticed that they no longer routinely spray footpaths and pavements for weeds. This came about after the Govt. budget cuts. I'm sure we've all noticed that they ...

Banner Town
14 Jun 2012

I'm all ears....such as?

'REFURNISH', Brunel Road, Newton Abbot take in unwanted furniture and, as the name suggests, refurnishes it and sells on to low-income families/people. They have some good stuff there quite often. Try Sampsons in Park Road, Dawlish as a small independent electrical store. It's also worth going on 'Eyes of Dawlish' Facebook page as people are often giving stuff away on there. Happy Hunting. ...

Banner Town
13 Jun 2012

Philip, Most of the activities of the amazing week you've just seen were advertised through banners on the viaduct. From now on they won't be.

13 Jun 2012

Didn't say it was you Nelson. Another nail in the coffin because to advertise and reach a similar number of people will cost hundreds of pounds. Considering even PITP made (not yet got final figures) around say £1500 why are organisations going to bother? Margins squeezed even more because one person objects to banners being on the viaduct. Philip, a town isn't just about businesses (which are ...

13 Jun 2012

According to the Gazette Network Rail only took them down after receiving a complaint from a member of the public relayed through Teignbridge. I wonder who that could have been then? Well done, another nail in Dawlish's coffin.....Bravo!

8 Jun 2012

This must be a wind-up! These banners cost in excess of £200 and are an effective way of advertising forthcoming events, usually put on by unpaid volunteers in their own time. This attitude is why so many give up and not much happens in Dawlish. Get a life! I'd much prefer to see what's on than stare at the bare rivets of the viaduct....still, each to their own!

"Nelson 01/03/2012 FAO Webmaster. What other 'personal comments'? Just so as I can re-read them and understand what offence I have caused and to whom. Thank you. As for Martin Dix, he clearly stopped using this forum because he realised that he'd let slip his true identity!!!" Perhaps I could remind you of some comments you made under the 'Why?' discussion below.

Dawlish Jubilee Group
20 Mar 2012

Sorry to disappoint some of you (esp. Nelson) but the Party In The Park on 4th June is being put on by the RBL Dawlish Branch. Although I imagine they hope everyone has a good time, it will be a charity fund raiser for the Poppy Appeal and other legion works.

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