I'd rather have rainbows and unicorns over the sad bunch of remoaning T@%%ER% we currently have in this country.
Hmm, still just denial and wishful thinking... rainbows and Unicorns but still my question hasn't been answered
I was not aware they could start building until the road had been completed through the assorted developments linking Manor Farm and Sainsbury's. I have had a look on Teignbridge planning and cannot see the decision to start building has been given. Anyone know more?
Scapegoat, I expecpt to gain from leaving the EU more than it seems you can imagine. There will be changes, of course there will, but lets not forget how much we have paid to the EU since joining, we will not have to do that any more and do you really believe that those that are still in are going to bite off their nose to spite their face. Those that are still in cannot afford to lose us, but ...
And that has been my argument how can 400 MP's know better than 17,460,217 people who voted to leave.
I cannot understand why the the ERG are regarded the rebels in this Brexit negotiation. When in all truth it is the 400 M.P's who lied to get to voted into office and then rolled over, to remain in the E.U.against the will of the people We have never accepted rule from another country and I cannot see it starting now.The present M.P.s whatever party Conservative or Labour should ...
Deflect, yep expected that as well but still no answer to my question. Try again? or you could go for ad hominem attacks instead?
Scapegoat doesn't believe in the great ingenuity of the people on this island. I said for better or worse, and I don't believe things can get a lot worse. So the only way forward is up up and away, bring it on and lets stop all this guessing.
lololollolololollol Surely you can do better than that little soundbite, it means nothing. I truly hoped for something more coherent than that
Well Scapegoat, the most important thing is we will be in control of ourselves and not having others controlling us for better or worse.