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General Discussion

When I go to Newton Tescos I Always go into the town for the market and the shops. Our local shops should show more initiative. If you want bedding a pair of socks a book etc you have to go out of town. My comparison with Dawlish and Pocklington (where my sister lives) was that they are towns very similar in size & have surrounding villages. Pocklington is a thriving town despite have 2 large ...

16 Feb 2008

Dawlish already has 2 supermarkets the co op and cost cutter trouble is neither are any good. People shop in Newton etc because they want variety at the right price. I am staying with my sister in Yorkshire in a Market town about the size of Dawlish it has Sainsburys Somerfields and a small Co op all within walking distance of the town.It doesnt have the holiday trade to rely on like Dawlish ...

Maybe Dawlish united are such crap they dont deserve the ink get in the real world look at the people managing them they propably kicked a ball around the garden

dont care
3 Feb 2008

you should be shot at dawn

Eastern Europeans get a direct flight to Exeter I heard the beach huts are going to be compulsory purchased and turned into accomodation for them

21 Jan 2008

Use the internet to its full potential read decent newspapers our freedoms are being eradicated there is none so blind as those who wont see

18 Jan 2008

Sorry for the 2 opinions I thought the first one hadnt gone through

18 Jan 2008

We are told we are under threat from all sort of fabricated lies yobs terrorists etc etc the goverments want us to feel uneasy to they can bring in subversive laws which will ultimately subdue us then we become a nation without a will of our own. Its not only the American goverment the wolf is on our own doorstep. You cannot be within a few feet of Downing St and shout "I hate the goverment" ...

18 Jan 2008

The goverments want us to feel unde threat from yobos terrorist in this country and abroad and all sorts of imagined threats then they come along take away our freedoms (if you say I hate the goverment within a few feet of Downing St you risk being arrested on anti terrorism charge }camer surveylance is wider than any other country, more DNA stored data base the only country in thee world where ...