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Some thoughts on the supermarket issue

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16 Feb 2008 18:10

Guba guba
Guba guba
16 Feb 2008 21:06

Dawlish already has 2 supermarkets the co op and cost cutter trouble is neither are any good. People shop in Newton etc because they want variety at the right price.
I am staying with my sister in Yorkshire in a Market town about the size of Dawlish it has Sainsburys Somerfields and a small Co op all within walking distance of the town.It doesnt have the holiday trade to rely on like
Dawlish does! yet it has a thriving town center Delis Chemist Bakers clothes shops newsagents greengrocers butchers etc etc (not one of the shops are a chain.) Maybe the weekly market helps people come in from the surrounding villages.
I know a lot of people who live in Teignmouth if Dawlish had a decent supermarket they would come to shop there and then go round the local shops.

17 Feb 2008 07:44

Shutterton is not within walking distance of the Dawlish town centre and Sandy Lane is a non-starter for lots of reasons.

How can a supermarket situated outside the town possibly encourage people to use the shops in Dawlish town centre?

Local Economy
Local Economy
17 Feb 2008 10:22

Also, one of the reasons being put forward that Dawlish 'needs' a supermarket it that there is a lot of leakage of money with people shopping at the supermarkets in Exeter and Newton Abbot.

Thus, goes the logic, Dawlish needs a supermarket to stop this happening and thus it will be beneficial for Dawlish.

Sorry, that's weird logic to me.Surely all having a supermarket in Dawlish will achieve is that it will still take the money out of the local economy.

How can spending money in a national chain, even if in Dawlish = stopping the leakage of money from the area?

Please can someone who subscribes to this "we need a supermarket because of the 'leakage'" argument explain how it will benefit the local economy.

17 Feb 2008 11:02

I am still trying to get my head around the need for a supermarket, balanced against the disruption that will be caused by the increase of traffic.
Exeter, Torquay, Newton Abbot are all suffering by the heavy increase in traffic caused by those that have no scruples when it comes to developers requesting more rights to build wherever they like.
Why does Dawlish have to be like those places? Cannot Dawlish have a uniqueness all of its own.
Regeneration does not mean build, build and build, or does it?

Guba guba
Guba guba
17 Feb 2008 12:15

When I go to Newton Tescos I Always go into the town for the market and the shops.
Our local shops should show more initiative. If you want bedding a pair of socks a book etc you have to go out of town.
My comparison with Dawlish and Pocklington (where my sister lives) was that they are towns very similar in size & have surrounding villages.
Pocklington is a thriving town despite have 2 large supermarkets,and no holiday trade maybe the weekly market helps, the people from the surrounding villages could just drive to the supermarket and go home instead they go into town.I know this because my sister works in one of the shops.
Dawlish is not a unique oldie world place is nothing

17 Feb 2008 14:31

Trouble it is all so different with shops than say 20 years ago. If a book shop opened in Dawlish, the first thing someone would say is 'I can get that cheaper on the intrenet' and yes they are right. There really is no real point in small shops though its good some hang on to the idea. Whilst it is obvious the Superstores will come here, there will be a point where they will be able to charge just what they like. Imagine all the small shops have gone. Cafes would remain. You only need Tesco and Sainsburys to then join forces, unthinkable but possible.
I really cant think of any shop you could open that would take enough money to pay the business rates, rent, electric, water, phone and staff... let alone give yourself a wage at the end of that lot. If you can think of one do say!

17 Feb 2008 18:56

hmm quote, "Whilst it is obvious the Superstores will come here," unquote. Why do people have such negative thoughts?
Remember what your dear mayor said, " The most important thing is the people".

Local Economy
Local Economy
17 Feb 2008 20:27

OUR dear Mayor surely?

17 Feb 2008 22:26

I hate negative.
I have no problem with Sainsburys opening.
Tell me what shop should be opened in town? .. thats what I asked lol.

Guba guba
Guba guba
18 Feb 2008 10:58

There are small shops in Pocklington and 2 large supermarkets, it doesnt have the bonus of holiday trade either and its Thriving I must be thick because I dont understand Dawlish be any different, someone please explain. Maybe a weekly market is the answer

18 Feb 2008 12:40

Differnce maybe that at Pocklington people use their local shops, but here locals don't on principal, this though goes for most small towns in Devon, I have no idea why. Yet people go to Newton Abbot shopping, maybe its I have a car must use it. I remmeber talking to someone in Plymouth who said they do all shopping in Exeter.. how crazy is that. I can only put all this down to the 'grass is greener on the other side' or you don't like the person in the local shop who you happen to know or have grown up with. I am convinced that the new Supermarkets will only get small trade from Dawlish residents and trade will be from away and our holiday trade. I would go to the new Sainsburys.
As you say Dawlish has the bonus of the holiday trade and the sea. I have long thought the Lawn should have a weekly market with the same variety of traders as at Newton on a Wednesday, but seems the rates are too high or the traders dont think it would work anyway. They are aware of shopping habits. I know it would not be popular but just imagine Sainsburys on the lawn and Dawlish has a mega shopping centre, with all our local shops trading happily all around it plus the brook and sea.

Guba guba
Guba guba
18 Feb 2008 18:32

If the local shop keepers oppose a market they are being short sighted, i dont think the council would allow it. There is even a craft market in Teignmouth triangle every Friday in the summer.
our local shops need to re invent themselves to encourage people.

01 Mar 2008 18:14

I was talking t someone who works in the Co op in Teignmouth this person told me they shop in Tescos because even with staff discount Tescos is cheaper.
There is going to be a Tescos Express where the County Garage used to be. I sometimes go to the one in Exminster even thats cheaper than the Co op! We arent exactly spoilt for choice in Dawlish. Feel sorry for those who havent got a car and have rely on the local supermarkets

Local Economy
Local Economy
01 Mar 2008 20:50 food (irrespective of how it is produced and/or how much the producers of it are ripped off by the supermarkets) means we must have a supermarket and the supermarket that has the cheapest food should be the one that we should have?

Is that your argument?

Guba guba
Guba guba
06 Mar 2008 07:25

Are you saying the Co op are more ethical than other supermarkets?
I go to an independent greengrocers and butchers in Teignmouth.
Tescos sell more locally produced food than any other supermarket.
They all rip ooour farmers off

Local Economy
Local Economy
06 Mar 2008 11:35

I wasn't talking about ethics, I was talking about the cheap supply of food. Although I agree that the two are linked.

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