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General Discussion

26 Mar 2008

It doesn't have to be a Tesco and it most certainly doesn't have to be on Sandy Lane playing fields. Just because things have gone quiet at the moment doesn't mean it won't happen.

25 Mar 2008

Agree that for the cheapest food - between Tesco and Asda it asda be ASDA.

carnival week
23 Mar 2008

Agree carnival not as good think there is a lot more red tape now i.e health & safety. Your right about the air display being the focal point but its still a very good week. Maybe the carnival committe needs new blood

22 Mar 2008

Couldnt agree more, about time people realised Dawlish has a lot going for it. Carnival week is special dont know if I could be bothered to put in the hours the committee must do, I salute them. Read a comment on a different thread Viaduct is concerned about money being collected in open buckets. its the quickest way to do it its not a problem, its collected and used for good causes thats what ...

9 Mar 2008

Do you really think that any new supermarket won't provide a bus service (probably free) for the non car owners? Course they will.

8 Mar 2008

Can't you see the irony in Tesco building at Sandy Lane (taking away playing fields) and your statement about children needing to do more sport etc.? I don't know off hand how many small business units are planned at the Shutterton site along with the big Sainsburys (although like everyone else I could look it up) but the town needs its economy boosting and that is one way of trying to achieve ...

7 Mar 2008

Also, in terms of jobs. I understand that the Sainsbury scheme involves business units. Thus jobs created at Sainsburys and jobs in the business units. We need employment here before state of the art sports facilities.

7 Mar 2008

I don't live near Sandy Lane and there is no comparison at all between the number of cars using the Leisure Centre and the number of cars that would be going in and out of Tesco car park if a Tesco were to be at Sandy Lane.

7 Mar 2008

No, I am not a newcomer. Sorry to disappoint you. And even if I was should I not be entitled to an opinion? I think you'll find that Tescos were given short shrift by many residents of Dawlish irrespective of how long they have lived here. I also think you'll find that many people most definitely do not want Sandy Lane playing fields built on. Barton Hill car park was looked at some time ago ...

7 Mar 2008

Dawlish does not need, and will not get,two new supermarkets. For reasons I've explained above Tesco (or any other supermarket for that matter) at Sandy Lane is a non starter. If you think Sainsbury at Shutterton Bridge is too far out can you think of anywhere else? (other than Sandy Lane)