Some people on this site seem to think it is all right to take the law into their own hands, let them try it and then see what the law thinks. Anyone can challenge the law, but you must not break the law and you must not encourage others to do it either.
I saw very little wrong with his handling of someone who shouldn't have been there in the first place. A person was defending a space against another person, the man against a woman statement is nothing to do with it. Also how is anyone supposed to know these days who is genuine or not, does he wait until someone has been stabbed by an infiltrator at which time everyone would be shouting why did ...
@S As putin would now call you. another liberal snowflake....
President Trumps’s achievements Put Korean peninsula on a course for peace. Pulled out of the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. Appeasement is never the answer. Seen there is no evidence of man made climate change and got out of the Paris climate agreement. Predicted Brexit correctly. Put the UK at the front of the queue. All proving President Trump is a man of integrity. Donald Trump ...
A man thought it was ok to do that to a women. Not ok.
It doesn't matter why she was there
How many more times does it have to be said? She was an activist who had invaded a private function and was intent on causing maximum disruption. She could have been treated a lot worse.
Welcome, is handy to get off near Guildhall fro shopping and geting back!
No one here not concerned that rather than report on the incident the press went after the reporters? Yet when there are articles about Brexit being dumpster fire it is called fake news. This is called confirmation bias, where you believe only the things that fit your beliefs or seek out things that confirmed them.
Good news, thanks wondering.