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General Discussion

27 Mar 2008

Well, your sweet tooth is going to be disappointed - no icing.

27 Mar 2008

But there are already plenty of shops where you can indulge in your 'leisure' activity. In fact you might have another one in the near future, called a supermarket, right here in Dawlish. It just won't be on Sandy Lane Playing Fields. So....there you are, a win/win situation. I'm happy that it isn't on Sandy Lane Playing Fields and you should be happy because you've got a new supermarket.

27 Mar 2008

And how is the Council doing that Jedi?

carnival week
26 Mar 2008

Thank you, Looking Back.

26 Mar 2008

the reason there is a strong anti Tesco flavour on the DADS website is for the very obvious reason (although apparently not to some) that it was Tesco that wished to build on the playing fields at Sandy Lane. By recreation I (and others including Teignbridge District council) do not include shopping - especially supermarket shopping. If you want to define it as a recreation than fine - your ...

26 Mar 2008

WRONG! Check out the website. DADS very clearly is not about anti supermarkets or housing in Dawlish. It is anti supermarkets or housing or anything else for that matter being built on Sandy Lane Playing Fields that isn't for leisure/sporting purposes. Get your facts right!

26 Mar 2008

It ain't for lease either. How do I know? Because I ask questions/ go to meetings/read the newspapers etc etc. If you don't believe me then contact Teignbridge District Council yourselves and ask.

26 Mar 2008

But it ain't an option cos it ain't for sale!

26 Mar 2008

But the supermarket does not have to be, and will not be, at Sandy Lane. Just because it would have suited the football club doesn't mean it should have happened.

26 Mar 2008

It isn't only Barwell's opinion. Sandy Lane is not up for development for supermarkets, houses or anything else other than leisure. And if you don't believe me contact Teignbridge District council. You are flogging a dead horse and it's about time you realised that. If you want a supermarket think another brand another location.