I may be wrong so I'm open for correction. Was Network rail supposed to suspend all work on the sea wall and open it to the public? I'm sure I saw a sign sometime back that stated that. This work is going to take years. Thanks in advance
£2,455 for jack shxx
Dawlish council should hold their heads in shame.
Money for old rope comes to mind. They now get a few quid less than Devon and Somerset Fire and rescue authority and I sure know which does a far superior job
Get rid of her and her cronies and get more police now with the money u would save.
just wait to Alison Hernandaz gives us all those extra policemen from the rate increases, for extra policing those chaps will be quaking in their boots.....................!!!!
When will our incompetent government stop flights to and from Italy and other badly infected countries? We are now bringing back the 100 or so British citizens from the corona infected cruise ship off Calafornia !!!!!!! Surprising how we haven't heard about our ferry service that operates to bring illegal immigrants from the channel to the UK for the last few weeks. The biggest ...
Got a whiff of a couple of chaps in hoodies walking down in to town and nearly got a high myself.