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General Discussion

Most of those "broken promises" apply only to the transition period, and others are mere conjecture.  The article even complains that we will be paying into the EU till 2064, I think it was rather canny to spread the £40bn settlement over 45 years rather than handing it all in one go, only The Guardian could think that is a bad move. And of course, if we leave without a deal all these ...

28 Jul 2018

So no facts, apart from the government is making preparations for a no-deal Brexit, just the the EU Commission has advised member states to do exactly the same. The video just ramped Project Fear up to a whole new level, and even the title had a question mark after it.  Not even the person who made the video could bring themselves to believe it.

28 Jul 2018

The Remoaners claims are so bizarre that it's hard to distinguish between what they claim to be reality and what is satire.

28 Jul 2018

I also notice that you haven't posted a link to the ration book story, so I can only assume it was more fake news rubbish from the Remoaners.

28 Jul 2018

So in the unfortunate instance that we get another Labour government and the PM changes mid-term, you would still demand a general election be called? Best we get this settled now to save any argument in the future.

27 Jul 2018

I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of your argument, Mrs C, but you seem unable to grasp that.

27 Jul 2018

You mean just like how Blair handed power over to Brown without a general election?  Democracy indeed.

27 Jul 2018

A general election is not necessary to change PM, you should know that by now at your age.

27 Jul 2018

David Davis has had his hands tied by May and her Remain advisers, she doesn't want to leave the EU, she campaigned for Remain during the referendum campaign.  May is a dead woman walking, she even tried to end the parliamentary session a week early because she was terrified a leadership challenge was moments away.  After the recess comes to an end in September it will also signal the end of her ...

27 Jul 2018

The EU sells around £80 billion more in good and services to us than we sell to them, we are important to the EU.  On the other hand, our exports to the EU have declined rapidly over the last 10 years, it's a shrinking market for us, our future is with the wider world.

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