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General Discussion

8 Aug 2018

Men have worn burkas in the past as a disguise to flee the police, and even to rob a bank: ...

Barton Car Park
3 Aug 2018

This thread got derailed by Lynne, God only knows why she had to bring Brexit into a discussion about the car park.

2 Aug 2018

It's been two years since the referendum, will you ever get over it?

Wollaston campaigned for Brexit until just two weeks before the referendum, but then had a sudden change of mind and came out supporting Remain instead.  Wholly unreliable, and can't be trusted in my opinion.

Brexit ate my sandwich.

30 Jul 2018

Momentum plot to takeover Labour Party Labour’s anti-Semitism ...

30 Jul 2018

Corbyn is a communist, the Labour Party has been taken over by the far-left group Momentum, and then there's the little matter of all that anti-semitism in the Labour Party. A Corbyn government would decimate this country.

Well Totnes is pretty well known for having a high percentage of nutters living there.

Call it what you like, it would still send the country down the plughole.

29 Jul 2018

Under May's leadership we will never get to a no-deal situation, she is a Remainer and will cravenly accede to every demand from the EU.  That will certainly bring about a leadership challenge, but even if we do get a PM with a backbone parliament will veto a no-deal and then we are into general election territory with the prospect a Corbyn government. Increasingly over the last 40 years ...

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