Suggest people click on this link and read the agenda.
@MargaretSwift - so, still beyond boring for you but still readable enough for you to still post on it then. Is that right?
Do I (and others) now take it that the thread is no longer " even beyond boring now"?
I think this is probably a first for me cos...............I agree with DJ!
The new divide: hard or soft Brexit. Pound slides to 31 year low against the dollar. (anyone going to the States anytime soon?)
Yes I agree there is a dilemma between complete freedom of speech (as, say, put forward by Article 19) and what is allowed in practice. For example, in this country we have the laws of slander and libel and laws relating to promoting terrorism and incitement to racial hatred. Freedom of Speech is not quite as straightforward a concept then, as might at first be thought?
I have in my hand a newspaper. At the back, like many newspapers it has a sports section. Will I read that section? No. Why? Because I find sport boring. Should I write to the editor of that newspaper and say 'stop reporting on sport because I find it boring'. No. Why not? Because I recognise that whilst I find it boring for others it is of great interest. See what I'm ...
Anyone got anything to say on the subject? I rather like this. Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1949). Article 19 states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of ...
What bit of 'it may be boring for you but not for others' is it that you don't understand?