And next comes compulsory vaccination... We're being softened up.
The point is this virus has the potential to run riot and kill many thousands there is no human immunity to it and no cure. Infection rates are on the increase so now is the time for extra measures to hold the infection rate down, remember 40% of those infected show no symptons everyone should be wearing a mask.
Please don't forget folks that wearing a facemask isn't for your protection, it's to stop you passing on the virus to others (if you have it, of course).
When deaths and infection rates were sky high and peaked a few months ago we were told face masks were of no or little benefit, now rates have fallen to a fraction of what they were we are suddenly being told masks are esssential. None of this makes any sense.
I for one wont be wearing a face covering of any description as im not a muslim. This is a free country and this whole covid 19 crap is all about how governments can control their populations. If Boris told you to jump off Teignmouth pier to avoid catching a cold how many of you sheeples would do it
Near where I live I've seen garden trees cut down. As we all know we live in a hilly part of the country. So we have lots of dwellings that are sited on hills. The removal of garden trees can thus lead to an invasion of privacy for those dwellings located further down the hill but especially for those whose back gardens abut those of their tree felling, higher sited, neighbours. Not only that, ...
Well, those who don't use the internet had better hurry up and go out to the shops and buy facemasks as come July 24th we will all have to wear a mask when going into a shop. I'm wondering to myself how can you buy a mask in a shop post July 24th if you haven't got a mask to wear so that you can go into a shop to buy a mask? According to this newspaper report, shop staff won't be expected ...
Carer my point was that i know where to buy them as i dont use shops and havent for years the internet is my shop window, but there are folk out there who dont use the internet so where do they obtain face masks.