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General Discussion

Sinkerson Says
27 Apr 2008

I wasnt going to post again. But I will not have idiots making false accusations about myself. I can assure you that I DO NOT use other user names and although I have always encouraged people to speak their minds this is totally out of order. So I suggest you follow my lead and keep away.

23 Apr 2008

Maybe I am a bit unorthodox in my postings. Maybe my dreams are not shared by the great masses. But even my greatest critics cannot deny I have brought some great debate and opinions to this forum in the few posts I have entered. I know I throw in a few tongue in cheek phrases and quotes which some take exception to, but thats just me. Maybe I should realise that a few others have a kind of tunnel ...

22 Apr 2008

Dawlish my lover, what have they done, ruined you my beauty, extinguished the sun. Erected skate parks, for the delinquents to meet, a festering timebomb for the spot to secrete. A bandstand that used to hum with a tune, now more famous for a bum beneath the moon. Oh Dawlish, I long for your safe return, please come home, let the court adjourn. Now the buffoons are about to descend, all sane ...

skate park
15 Apr 2008

Fair enough sir. I will bring this posting back up in a years time and hope with all my heart that I have egg on my face. We will see then whether there has been any reports of the unsavoury behaviour I have mentioned taking place. If there is then I hope the people that have voted it in will assist in its demolition. Fairs fair.

15 Apr 2008

I am guessing that you have no experience of living in an area that has one of these parks. The theory of it is nice ie it will be a lovely brightly coloured area for the kids to play in. i am afraid it is time you woke up and smelt the coffee (if of course you want to). For starters they produce an unacceptable noise nuisance for the decent people who live in the nearby area (no problem of course ...

14 Apr 2008

thats just typical of you mr smith. no respect for the older generation who have lived and breathed dawlish all their lives. once again your left wing lily livered views have surfaced. i have had rumblings with you in the past but didnt realise you were now polluting this forum. i think i will stop posting on here now so i dont have to read your nonsensical ideas. good day to you.

man alive
14 Apr 2008

i think they have been drinking the estuary water again. still, assuming they have gone then good riddance to the village idiot.

13 Apr 2008

i thought it was tescos that wanted sandy lane? sainsburys always had their eyes firmly on shutterton

Low Tide
8 Apr 2008

the weather has been quite remarkable. after it settled down i had a lovely walk from dawlish to the warren, stopping for a stiff whiskey at the mount. then on return to my dawlish abode after working up quite an appetite, i had a devine piece of fillet steak, field mushrooms, sauted garlic infused potatoes, a small leaf salad, washed down with an exquisite fine red. i then sat in the conservatory ...

if everyone treated dawlish as their own i feel the town would be a much more loved and cared for place to live in. im afraid there are too many people in society today that dont give a damn about their neighbours or other peoples property. i make no apology for calling this place my dawlish.

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