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General Discussion

Low Tide

06 Apr 2008 15:08

What a lovely afternoon after all that snow this morning!

Have just been for a walk along the beach as it was a very low tide. Great to walk on the sand and see what the sea had left behind.

Then walked up through the town, along the brook, and up to Manor Gardens.
Very pretty. Walked back down to the town the other side of the Brook.

Finished off by treating myself to some chips and sitting on the sea wall to eat them.

What a lovely afternoon and it only cost me a bag of chips and some shoe leather.

07 Apr 2008 22:57

We are so lucky to have it all for free, think of all the people that save up all year to come here for 2 weeks

08 Apr 2008 07:01

I still pinch myself sometimes just to make sure I'm not dreaming I live here.

You are quite right Olive, we have it all the time, others, for only two weeks a year at the most.

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
08 Apr 2008 20:50

the weather has been quite remarkable. after it settled down i had a lovely walk from dawlish to the warren, stopping for a stiff whiskey at the mount. then on return to my dawlish abode after working up quite an appetite, i had a devine piece of fillet steak, field mushrooms, sauted garlic infused potatoes, a small leaf salad, washed down with an exquisite fine red. i then sat in the conservatory looking out to sea for the rest of the evening with a nice drop of glenmorangie. the rest of my evening is a bit of a haze im afraid. how lucky we are!

09 Apr 2008 14:19

we are so luckly to live here, i really wouldnt want to live anywhere else.

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