This has become a witch hunt.
I think "ALLEMS" must mean the planning application by Terence Stone to build 28 houses at the end of Meadow Park (see previous) which is still under consideration.
Whatever it is, it's affected the website as well.
Thank you Don for this information. Perhaps something will now be done for this unfortunate family. It gives Dawlish a bad name when things like this go on and nothing is done about it.
I have read all this with great interest. Surely this is a clear case of harassment. I find it difficult to believe that the police can't do anything about it. Isn't there anyone of a legal persuasion who could act for this family?
Rounded down to the nearest £.
You need to get paid a decent wage to pay the damn water bill. It's the highest utility in our house. How is it that these companies can get away with paying less than minimum wage? They certainly don't seem to make any secret about it.
Morris & McGinn weren't too dear when Richard was behind the counter.
It does look very nice & is doing the job it's supposed to. Wood is usually treated nowadays before it's sold so I'm assuming this is the case here. At least they got on with repairing it unlike Stonelands Bridge which is still missing a parapet on one side.
Perhaps the Empty Homes Officer can do something about the old vicarage in Weech Road. I don't know if it qualifies as being empty though, what with the pigeons, rats & vagrants who've taken up residence there!