Lynne, this isn't about wanting to dig into Mr Weeks personal circumstances it's about presenting a balanced picture. I support the injustice of his situation, I even think if a CPO went ahead he should be compensated at a commercial rate not an agricultural rate. I'd just like to know what, ultimately, I'm supporting - no sale or a sale at a fair price. You're pressing his case very hard here ...
So did Mr Weeks have to give consent? Is he open to alternative uses? If he was being offered a development price rather than an agricultural price for the land, would he be more amenable?
Lynne when you say 'much to the amazement etc' do you mean a third party applied for and was granted planning permission on Mr Weeks land without his knowledge or consent? Is that possible? Or do you mean it was done with his consent but he was just surprised it was granted?
Their answer to Question 2 effectively says it's not within their power to draw visitors away from the Warren reserve. So why on earth are they even attempting to do it? What a nonsensical position to be in.
Just your opinion Burneside. In my opinion the comment was quite clearly in the context of 'nowt so queer as folk' directed at you and your sister for your petty argument with JC over the main route into Paddington. You're cynically contriving it oherwise because, let's face It, Dorian has taken Margaret to task over her behaviour as a councillor and this is your way of settling the score. Now ...
You're not challenging anything Margaret, you and your brother are just trying to stir things up. Meantime yet another post falls victim to your aggression and malice.
Oh here we go again. Dorian's use of the word queer was as homophobic as Margaret's, neither were. Stop this nonsense.
Are you addressing me or Lynne? I thought I was being helpful by providing a link, I didn't have time to re-type the clause. What's behind such an aggressive comment as I don't understand it?
Lynne, any copyright would apply to reproducing the actual image of the document, not reporting the content, or providing a link. Allow me:
I can't say I agree with you Stephen15, it's not an attractive station per se, but it's been massively improved by all the work done since the old bridge was replaced. In the summer it could look even better if some flowering baskets were hung from the gaps in the bridge,