If you click on this link http://www.dawlish.gov.uk/edit/uploads/2409_2008077643.pdf you will go to the minutes of the town council meeting held last week. You will see a report concerning the dog attacks.
The chair of the town council lawn working group is recently retired mayor Cllr Martin Wrigley. This is an excerpt from his retiring as mayor speech given at the annual town council meeting held last week. Thinking about the events for the years brings us to the Lawn Working Group. This group has met a number of times and has started by looking at the way residents and visitors use the ...
Now one more thought has come to me, as I sit with my fruitcake and nice cup of tea, that the Lawn is the place for a bit of a do where those of one mind, should they feel so inclined, can blow bushels of rasperries straight at the EU.
Here's how to attract people to a town centre! www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/tourist-attraction-dreamed-up-april-1535541 I remember something similar being mooted for Dawlish town centre in the Dawlish Gazette one April Fool's Day circa 2009.
This planning application has been withdrawn.
There's a letter in today's Gazette concerning what might be done to the bandstand
PARISH: STARCROSS WARD: Kenton With Starcross APPLICATION REF: 18/00615/FUL OFFICER: Claire Boobier DECISION LEVEL: DEL LOCATION: Land adjacent to Cofton Motors, Cofton PROPOSAL: Change of use of agricultural land to siting of 50 domestic self-storage containers including office building
I've now been told that technical difficulties have stopped information about this working group being put on the town council website. These technical issues are being looked into. Watch this space....
It has been suggested to me that in the absence of any information concerning this working group being on the town council website, and no information about it in the Gazette, that I should write a letter for publication in said paper putting to a wider audience what I know about the working group (which is on the previous thread). I am in two minds about this. Pro - if I think more people ...
and how many millions would it cost to buy?