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General Discussion

Dawlish Blue
9 May 2008

What thoughts on Dawlish Blue shop? I think some really good photography and unususal one off jewellery. Should be in the Strrand?

Nice shop. Brave man to bring it to Dawlish. All the best to him. But then it's not about surf, it's about the gear, I suppose.

Barton Terrace
9 May 2008

Where would one be able to find out these things? I've noticed that not all crimes and things are reported in Dawlish so don't say old newspapers!

9 May 2008

I'm sure Olive would have mentioned it if she knew!

Mr Poll Tax are you having a bad day?

Barton Terrace
9 May 2008

It was definately not the playpark - the new "ship" is almost up, all charred remains have been removed, it can't be Brooklands because that was only last night and since there is no reports of a fire I'll go with the ghosts and ghouls. Thats really fascinating!

8 May 2008

Barton Terrace is supposed to be the most haunted place in Dawlish. Years ago there was a fire which gutted a house maybe you smelt that I have heard other people say they smelt fire there without knowing the history, previous to the two recent fires

8 May 2008

Yes, the Manor play park burnt down. Legend has it, the fire can be smelt up to 10 miles away even to this very day.

8 May 2008

I walked down barton terrace today, I think its Barton Terrace, near 'the secret garden' and got a strong whiff of a burnt out fire. Was there a fire there recently?

I only forgot once and had to turn round by braking wind. I nearly forgot again on a separate ocassion and then I remembered, which was lucky as I would have arrived late at my destination which would have had a catastrophic impact upon mankind as we know it.