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General Discussion

New Shop in Dawlish - Moose

04 May 2008 21:53

What does everyone think of the new surf shop on Brunswick Place called Moose?

I only realised it was there a few weeks ago and bought a pair of Reef sandals and Quiksilver sunglasses today. It's great to not have to go to Exeter or Teignmouth. Also, as I spent over fifty quid I got a free Moose t-shirt.

I was a bit disappointed they didn't have any Animal, but the guy running it said he would get anything in that the people of Dawlish wanted. What else do we want?

04 May 2008 22:19


04 May 2008 23:01

Oli is great. I bought my skateboard stuff from him a couple weeks ago.

05 May 2008 08:00

Yes, it's a great shop isn't it. So make sure more people know about it. (and no, I've nothing to do with it so I've no vested interest in it being publicised).

If we can get more businesses like that opening up there may be hope for the town centre yet.

05 May 2008 11:33

Moose is a great shop with a good selection of surf- ware,the cool retro decor is inviting and the guy running it is really friendly!!!good luck to him!!

08 May 2008 22:05

Hi,there! My boyfriend's petname for me is Moose. Do you think if I asked them nice, they would just give me a T-shirt? I'd like one, but don't the £50 of stuff!

09 May 2008 22:29

Nice shop. Brave man to bring it to Dawlish. All the best to him. But then it's not about surf, it's about the gear, I suppose.

The fox
The fox
10 May 2008 21:42

Noticed the shop on my visit this week. Good to see someone taking a chance and bringing decent young clothing in the town.Ok so it wont do much for the oldies , but its money being spent in Dawlish instead of furthur afield. I noticed a shop (where the new computer place is) was selling designer stuff, but didnt last long. Shame really because for all those calling for Dawlish to move forward and go up market, need these types of shops to survive.

12 May 2008 06:56

the fox said,"I noticed a shop (where the new computer place is) was selling designer stuff."
How many people in Dawlish can afford designer clothing? Or put it another way, "how many idiots live in Dawlish that would want to buy designer clothing?"
I was amazed the other day when I saw a pair of jeans with patches sewn onto them, ragged bottoms and looked like a bottle of bleach had been poured over them--------£105 and no that wasn't in Dawlish.

12 May 2008 07:27

Viaduct - you may not buy designer ware, I may not buy designer ware, but others do. I agree that the prices charged are extortionate but for some people that is why they buy them - for status.

If it brings people with money into the town or people in the town want to spend their money on expensive items of clothing then surely that is up to them.

Live and let live.

pS I hope Moose and all the other new, more upmarket, business succeed.

12 May 2008 07:56

Zara! you missed the point. The numbers of people living in Dawlish or coming to Dawlish to buy designer clothing are not enough to keep any business going.
Being in business is a tough life. Oh yes! you can buy anything you like------but you try selling it.

12 May 2008 09:08

Viaduct - you missed mine.

Perhaps Moose, Number One Cafe and Dawlishblue are trying to attract more upmarket visitors. And there is money in Dawlish. How come people can afford £300,000 plus houses if there isn't money here? Perhaps those businesses are trying to get some of that money spent in the town.

12 May 2008 16:51

I couldn't afford a £300,000 house but
will go into No. One Cafe.
Its clean offers wide selection of pastries and food of a high quality and the staff are nice.
Dont knock something diiferent or better than
what is already on offer

12 May 2008 16:58

Me again
What is wrong with people.Some moan about the
class of visitor and the town needs to be
more upmarket, shops come in which are going
to attract those people and they are criticised.
Lots of young adults in Dawlish wear designer
clothes, if they can buy them here they wont
be spending money in Exeter or Torquay.
These shops probably sell on the internet as
At least they contribute to Dawlish town center
staying alive

12 May 2008 18:35

Totally agree with you Olive.

Exactly right
Exactly right
12 May 2008 19:34

I cannot agree more with you Olive. I think this shop is brilliant and so does my son, who incidentally saved his pocket money and bought some goods he wanted and got the free t-shirt too. He wanted to support a local shop and he is only young anyway. I think Ollie the owner is very helpful and has got some great stock and will do really well in Dawlish, because there's lots of teenagers who are willing to spend their hard-earned cash on surf type wear. Good luck to Moose I say - its about time Dawlish had some shops apart from the usual charity, betting and estate agents!!

12 May 2008 19:55

Time will tell!

The fox
The fox
12 May 2008 21:25

Viaduct, are you sure your from Dawlish because all you seem to do is run it down.

One minute its a moan about the poor shops, cafe's, localkids or low class tourists.Then when people try to improve the Town and pull it up market slightly still moan.

It seems that you would be happier if these people spent their money in Exeter, Plymouth or Torquay instead of Dawlish. Afterall Dawlish doesnt need the jobs does it?

12 May 2008 22:27

Like others, the fox is talking gibberish. Where have I run down shop's, Kid's or cafes?
Shops are ok, Kid's are ok, Cafes are ok.
Some shops are rubbish, some kids are a real pain (lack of parenting) and cafes I rarely visit, but the ones I have are ok.
People can shop where they like how they like and buy what they like, I have no problem with that, it is their choice.
What I do have a problem with is those people that buy such utter rubbish (to me anyway)whether it is clothes, food or any other item that they fancy and then moan like hell that they cannot afford to live, or they burst out that we need more affordable homes. Everybody should cut their cloth according to their fit.
Don't spend £50 on a tee-shirt and then moan about paying £50 to have a tooth out.
Every body is running out of money, spend yours wisely.

The fox
The fox
13 May 2008 20:34

Viaduct, you stated(post 12th may) that "anyone in Dawlish that spent £50 on clothes is an idiot" yet you accuse me of talking Gibberish"

Yet you claim that you have never run the people, kids or shops of this town down. You've just called half the people in Dawlish idiots , and more to the point , you've called yourself an idiot. If you claim you have never spent £50 on clothes in your life then you are either telling porkies or you are the tramp who annoys the workmen on the sea-front.

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