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Lenny's Posts

Working on mine right now.

Vicarage Wheech Road
16 Jul 2008

Funnily enough I rode my bike along Weech Road only last night and saw this derelict building and thought what a shame it was. Is this the one you are talking about? Who owns it?

Ever wanted to give up on shops and supermarkets? Ever dreamed of growing your own food and rearing your own animals? Ever fancied being on TV? If the answer to all three questions is Yes then why not get in contact with KEO films, the makers of River Cottage. They are looking for families who have had no experience of gardening or smallholding or farming but who are ready to commit to an ...

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School League Tables
27 Jan 2008

Hands up all those who know that Devon Local Authority Schools are towards the bottom of the league when it comes to how much they are awarded per student by central government? You didn't know that? Well you do now! Our local authority schools are funded at more than £300 per student less than the national average. If Devon schools received just the national average funding (not the highest ...