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General Discussion

Margaret, why bother agreeing with my thread then continue with your bickering?  Why don't you take it to the Lawn and pull each other's hair out like two hormonal teenagers.  I'm sure you'll pull a bigger crowd and at least they can choose to avoid it, we're forced to read this nonsense. WEBMASTER - would you consider moderating posts before they are published?   I'm guessing, like me, ...

Please will you both GIVE IT A REST.   It's gone on for too long and you are now hijacking nearly every thread with your incessant petty slanging match.  You don't have to keep hammering home each other's shortcomings, we're well able to make our own judgements.   Why not switch your insults to private messages and let others get a word in edgeways.

Dawlish Carnival
19 Nov 2014

Truly dispiriting but not suprising, these people have been a liability for a long time.  I can't help thinking this is a topic that most regular posters wanting the best for Dawlish would agree on.  So instead of all the unpleasant backbiting that hijacks this forum why not try to turn a page and find some common ground.  Or not.

Yeah right.  What's the likelihood those planners went to the meetings by public transport.

2 Oct 2014

Reading the document the farmer said from the outset that he's unwilling to sell.  Imagine having the prospect of a compulsory purchase order hanging over you while all this is figured out, you couldn't make any long term plans or investment.    Meanwhile a landowner in Cockwood wants to sell his 400 acres.  Sod's law. That aside, I'm not sure that land will provide adequate parking for the ...

Thanks.  I appreciate you always taking the time to find these things out.

30 Sep 2014

Thanks for the update on Strand Hill.  Do you know if was on going long term job or has there been a delay in scheduling the works? I recall reading at the time that Teignmouth Hill was in the hands of insurers, I presume no insurance payout has been forthcoming so we're stuck with it.    It's a shame we have to live with these blots on the landscape when so much effort has gone into ...

30 Sep 2014

I see that Strand Hill is still closed and the wall that collapsed by the Teignmouth Inn is still not sorted. These were ages ago, does anyone know what's happening?

I see the artist generally known as Mike Nance has set up camp outside Sainsburys canvassing support for Dawlish to adopt his 17ft masterpiece 'Statue of Happiness'.  Apparently 80% of people are supportive (or maybe the patients from Langdon are out on a group shopping excursion).   Will Cllr Swift assure us that she will chain herself to Geronimo's downpipe should the council even consider ...

The crane has arrived
16 Sep 2014

Why not top it off with a roll of barbed wire and a few Sainsburys bags flapping for good measure.

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