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General Discussion

Trump and Boris, can you imagine?

@roberta try looking for an independent source for those questions as there is a bias. Here are the top 10 rebuttals from the stronger in campaign . At least these have links to other sources to back the claims but I would still check them.

18 May 2016

@Paul I have faith in the country and the people. people just need to look past the headlines. Being in the EU doesn't stop us trading with the rest of the world. Over half of our trade is done within the EU. When you say we can just go after the vibrant APAC region, as a business owner who trades in the EU and their products are consumed by those in EU how does that happen? We will ...

I don't know that area well but is this where he wanted to build,-3.4745779,3a,84.7y,107.15h,87.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1vbc5wk8xmNRowE2TYz11A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ? What are those sheds/dumping ground? Does it look like that now?

@burneside - the norwegian model is not a good one. they have access to trade within the eu but they have no vote on any eu rules.

18 May 2016

I think the UK will "survive" if we aren't in the EU and the EU will be will worse off for not having the UK in it, politically and economically. It will take around 2 years to leave the EU so we won't see the impact straight away but we will. The budgets over the next few years will be interesting and not good for most people. These millions that we will save by leaving will soon be ...

17 May 2016

@burneside - to be honest you have Cameron and Osbourne on one side and Farage, Gove and Johnson on the other. None of them I trust to do anything for the majority in Britain which is why I try and seek out facts myself so I can make a decision which way to vote. I don't believe what I'm spoon fed by the media or politicians.

17 May 2016

You're making assumptions about the letter but I agree one is it was part of an ongoing discussion. Whether Cameron backs one side or other makes no real difference to the argument for either side. I want both campaigns to stick to facts and stats and leave out the personal attacks [didn't mean to rhyme there ]. If they presented the facts then people could make an informed decision either way ...

17 May 2016

This letter has been seen by the Daily Mail. All the other papers are reporting what the Daily Mail having the letter. I couldn't find any pictures showing this letter or the full text just quotes from it. That sets off red flags. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but it is the Daily Mail! Also note this letter was "to" the PM not from and we haven't read the whole letter.

17 May 2016

People need to become better critical thinkers. These YouTube videos, the short and full, just shows how people can be easily manipulated to believe what the editors want. Add in confirmation bias and you have a very easily led society.

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