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General Discussion

Say we leave the EU, who do you want to take the country into this new era?

14 Jun 2016

But we CAN change things inside the EU. I wasn't alive in an era without the UK being in the EU so I can't say what it was like before but I know looking back 40+ years is not the way forward

14 Jun 2016

Also, the BBC using Migrant Watch UK as an independent source for immigration stats "again" is disgraceful.

14 Jun 2016

I wonder how many of OUTers will be on here complaining about the Government in the next few years if we do actually leave the EU, about the fact the economy is in the toilet and they haven't done anything that they thought they would. Wake up, being out of the EU will not solve all the problems. It just breeds uncertainty and that isn't good for the economy.

13 Jun 2016

The Leave camp admit that there will be a shock and economists think it will take until 2030 to recover. What did you think those years will be like until we do recover? What do you think the government will do to try and aid recovery quicker?

Obviously, it doesn't matter what is said to convince them otherwise there are people who have already made up their minds to vote leave. Voting to leave will help the rise of the right, and scarily the far right, in this country. I have confidence that the country won't let that happen and we will vote to remain.

13 Jun 2016

Watching a bit of the #EUREFSW debate on the BBC last night and it was so depressing. Ann Marie Morris is a vile woman, how she got voted in I will never know. She just kept shouting at Justin, who I thought handled her very well. No of them can debate an issue without shouting or constructing straw men!!

13 Jun 2016

@burneside over the centuries? the world moves on. we owned half the world centuries acquired by dubious means, we have moved on. just because we are on island nation doesn't mean that is where we should stay. Why do you keep pointing out the scaremongering from the remain and not the leave?

13 Jun 2016

I didn't say insignificant little island but it is a little islander attitude - "we are ok on our own"

13 Jun 2016

Both sides are scaremongering. Cameron is indeed vile as are most Tories (Ann Marie Morris how did anyone vote for this creature?). They wouldn't know truth and fact if it smacked them in the face. This does not change the fact if you vote leave you will still have a Tory government and we will still be in Europe for around the next 2 years. No instant out. Even if we do save money coming ...

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