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General Discussion

31 Jul 2016

@Calamari Thank you for this info. Just looked and still available. If I was in need of a couple (unfortunately I am not) I would have placed an offer on them.

Lloyds Bank
28 Jul 2016

I have just seen on BBC news that Lloyds are to close 200 branches despite a half year profit of £2.5bn. Fingers crossed that Dawlish branch is not on the list.

Leadsom or May
11 Jul 2016

How lovely. Margaret Thatcher v2.

@lordDC Dictionary . Ilk. A kind of person. HOW/WHY is that deragotary? Or even referring to a person as Coloured? Any more libelous remarks that you would like to make about me? Just goes to show what a small minded ignorant person you really are.

17 Jun 2016

@lordDC Exactly WHY does that say it all? Come on, you have labled me a homophobe & a Racist so on WHAT grounds? Or are you one of the 'blinkered' minority and go with the flow?

17 Jun 2016

@lordDC WHY exactly are they homophopic. Have they come out directly and said they are or is it that you and others on here 'assume' they are as that happens a lot on here? Could it not be that they (FoDH) have certain guidelines in what they can/cannot do and have to adhere to those guidelines regardless? The homophobic/racist 'card' is played all to easy and far too often these ...

I think that Remain/Leave are ALL talking crap. Please, everyone, THINK FOR YOURSELF and not listen to your MP in what they think or the tabloids like the SUN. Do you really need to let someone else make your mind up for you regardless of WHAT party you vote for? NO political party will gain from this so how can any politician make promises as to what will happen if we leave or ...

14 Jun 2016

Well that's it then. If the Sun says Out, then that is the way it will be. Really, does anybody (apart from it brain dead readers) take any notice of that joke of a 'newspaper'?

We don't have a Commonwealth anymore. We just about have a Navy. Same for the Air Force. Army being depleted. Forces relying more on Volunteers. How will we (the UK) defend ourselves? If the Argies invade the Falklands, we could always counter attack in rowing boats while throwing rocks at them. What will happen if the UK was attacked? Will our friends in Europe ...

7 Jun 2016

And let's not forget the Romans! What have the Romans ever done for us?

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