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General Discussion

Unfortunately some folk havent got it yet but they will when there nearest and dearest start dying what we have now is the tip of the iceberg as my dad used to say " You aint seen nothing yet"

From Loweswatercam

4 Apr 2020

4 Apr 2020

Again from Lakelandcam

4 Apr 2020

Not mine it came from Lakelandcam i just copied and pasted it but thought it may put a smile on a few peoples faces.

2 Apr 2020

There are a lot of contradictions around at the moment on one hand Nurses are telling us not to wear surgical type masks and on the other hand they are telling us that they need them, but only give protection for a short while in a ward situation.  So my question is... why would they work for a short period 1 to 2 hours on a ward situation but not in Sainsburys?

29 Mar 2020

29 Mar 2020

I watched with interest a young couple with a baby in a pushchair sitting by the brook in the sunshine yesterday ,two older people then arrived i presume grand parents one of them took a teddy from a bag and put it in the pushchair next to the baby now thats how stupid folk are.

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