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Dawlish News

black lives matter
5 Jun 2020

Ah! So it was his, Floyd's, fault all along! Doh! Silly me. The question is: would he have been dealt with in the same way if he had been white?

5 Jun 2020

BLM  - Newton Abbot. 1pm-2pm @The Clock Tower Sat 6th June

5 Jun 2020

You could also ask what is the point of posting on this website. But, like me, you do. In fact it was you who started this thread.

5 Jun 2020

To save you the bother I've done it for you. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures to disenfranchise and remove political and economic gains made by blacks during the Reconstruction period. Jim Crow laws - ...

5 Jun 2020

Lots of other sources give history of relations between black and white americans and the information is on them is extremely similar to that found on that Wiki link. For those that are interested just type in the words Jim Crow and then read what comes up.

4 Jun 2020

Now there's a thought.................!!!!! (One scheduled for Exeter (Flowerpot Playing Fields) this Sat (6th June) between 5pm and 7pm. Please wear face masks and obey social distancing requirements).

4 Jun 2020

Just watching a PBS America series (last one on tomorrow night) concerning American Reconstruction after the American Civil War. Very informative about the history of black americans and white americans. No doubt though you'll be telling me that that source is also unreliable.

4 Jun 2020

As well as the literal meaning of Black Lives Matter (referring to Black people being killed simply because of the colour of their skin) there is also the wider meaning in the sense of quality of life. When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism, widely deplored by most segments of the society. But when in that same city – ...

In last week's Gazette, Mel Stride, the MP for the adjoining constituency gave information to businesses concerning precautionary measures to take in the event of a hard Brexit. So, what I would like to know is this:, why hasn't AMM done the same thing for her constituents ,on, say, the impact of a No Deal hard Brexit on the nation's food supply given how much she advocates such a No Deal.

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