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Dawlish News

03 Jun 2020 18:02

I read a "black" ex-cop was killed trying to defend his friends shop from looters...............seems his life does not matter to the rioters

4 Agrees
03 Jun 2020 19:21

Any excuse to go looting, burning and destroying businesses.

3 Agrees
04 Jun 2020 10:42

Every life matters, why does it have to come down to skin colour. more black people are killed every year by other black people than by white cops, so an article...THE NEED TO DISCUSS BLACK ON BLACK the NATIONAL  REVIEW...,but no one seems to be committing criminal damage and assault for those crimes.

3 Agrees
04 Jun 2020 12:30

As well as the literal meaning of Black Lives Matter (referring to Black people being killed simply because of the colour of their skin) there is also the wider meaning in the sense of quality of life.   


When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism, widely deplored by most segments of the society. But when in that same city – Birmingham, Alabama – five hundred black babies die each year because of the lack of proper food, shelter and medical facilities, and thousands more are destroyed and maimed physically, emotionally and intellectually because of conditions of poverty and discrimination in the black community, that is a function of institutional racism. When a black family moves into a home in a white neighborhood and is stoned, burned or routed out, they are victims of an overt act of individual racism which most people will condemn. But it is institutional racism that keeps black people locked in dilapidated slum tenements, subject to the daily prey of exploitative slumlords, merchants, loan sharks and discriminatory real estate agents. The society either pretends it does not know of this latter situation, or is in fact incapable of doing anything meaningful about it.[3][4]



2 Agrees
04 Jun 2020 17:52

Quoting from Wiki is never a good idea, it's not a trustworthy information site.


3 Agrees
04 Jun 2020 18:16

Just watching a PBS America series (last one on tomorrow night) concerning American Reconstruction after the American Civil War. Very informative about the history of black americans and white americans.

No doubt though you'll be telling me that that source is also unreliable.  


1 Agree
04 Jun 2020 18:52

Only a matter of time before a teignbridge BLM demonstration appears .......................!!!!!

1 Agree
04 Jun 2020 19:03

Now there's a thought.................!!!!!


(One scheduled for Exeter (Flowerpot Playing Fields) this Sat (6th June) between 5pm and 7pm. Please wear face masks and obey social distancing requirements).   

1 Agree
04 Jun 2020 20:47


Wiki is a public site which can be edited by all and sundry, I've read enough incorrect information on it over the years to know it can't be trusted.

2 Agrees
05 Jun 2020 05:43

Lots of other sources give history of relations between black and white americans and the information is on them is extremely similar to that found on that Wiki link. For those that are interested just type in the words Jim Crow and then read what comes up.      

05 Jun 2020 05:51

To save you the bother I've done it for you.


Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures to disenfranchise and remove political and economic gains made by blacks during the Reconstruction period.


Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia › wiki › Jim_Crow_laws





Jim Crow Laws: Definition, Facts & Timeline - HISTORY › topics › jim-crow-laws



21 Feb 2020 - Jim Crow laws were state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Enacted after the Civil War, the laws denied equal opportunity to ...


Jim Crow law | History, Facts, & Examples | Britannica › ... › Law, Crime & Punishment



Jim Crow laws were any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the American South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s. In its Plessy v.



What was Jim Crow - Jim Crow Museum - Ferris State University › jimcrow › what



Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life. ... In 1891, a group of blacks decided to test the Jim Crow law. They had Homer A.


Jim Crow laws - Constitutional Rights Foundation › a-brief-history-of-jim-crow



“Jim Crow” was a derisive slang term for a black man. It came to mean any state law passed in the South that established different rules for blacks and whites. Jim ...


Jim Crow Laws | American Experience | Official Site | PBS › wgbh › freedomriders › issues › jim-cr...



The segregation and disenfranchisement laws known as "Jim Crow" represented a formal, codified system of racial apartheid that dominated the American ...


1 Agree
05 Jun 2020 07:27

Whilst sympathising with the loss of life of Floyd what utter use is a BLM ? No one is going to give a toss about a group of protesters in Devon who will probably contain the usual left wing, anacharists, reds and all other types of groups who enjoy a day out chanting and thinking that they will have any relevance or influence in changing the world. Bet these people kept silent when Mugabe and his like we're murdering thousands of their own citizens with people fearful to mention it in case the were called racists.

5 Agrees
05 Jun 2020 08:10

You could also ask what is the point of posting on this website.

But, like me, you do.


In fact it was you who started this thread.

3 Agrees
05 Jun 2020 15:17

BLM  - Newton Abbot. 

1pm-2pm @The Clock Tower

Sat 6th June

05 Jun 2020 15:18

1263 You are spot on Floyd was detained allegedly for trying to pas a forged $20 note he allegedly resisted arrest and at autopsy was found to have recently used drugs. Now i dont condone the way the Police dealt with him but if he hadnt been commiting an offence he would probably still be alive.

4 Agrees
05 Jun 2020 16:43

Ah! So it was his, Floyd's, fault all along! Doh! Silly me. 

The question is: would he have been dealt with in the same way if he had been white?  



1 Agree
05 Jun 2020 18:25

 I also believe he had served time for some pretty serious offences and things are different in the US Lynne folk carry guns i wonder how British Police would react if everyone could potentially carry a gun.Police in the States are fragmented, poorly trained, and in some cases corrupt and i doubt if anything will change in a hurry. 

05 Jun 2020 19:07

If leatash is correct about Floyd's drug taking, passing forged currency, and resisting arrest, then yes, it IS his own fault.

"Those who live by the sword, shall Die by the sword".

05 Jun 2020 19:58

The question still remains: would he have been dealt with in the same way if he had been white?

3 Agrees
06 Jun 2020 09:11
06 Jun 2020 10:37

Truly appalling. But did they then kneel on his neck and suffocate him? 



George Floyd, as I understand it, was already handcuffed and on the ground. If the police officer wished to further control him, if  Floyd was resisting arrest, then the  police officer could have have had a gun pointed at Floyd given that the US police are armed in that way.  Or had him tasered perhaps. Or used some other form of additional restriction. But they didn't. One of them kept his knee on Floyd's neck even when it had become obvious that Floyd was a physically weakened man.  


And since when, @Carer, does being a drug taker, passing forged currency and resisting arrest carry a potential death penalty decided upon, and carried out by, the police? 

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 11:25

Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest. He screamed “you’re going to kill me.” And they did. As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. Little coverage. You’ve never heard his name because he’s white.

4 Agrees
06 Jun 2020 11:42

The number of police killings in the US disproportionately affects African Americans. Despite only making up 13 percent of the US population, Black Americans are two-and-a-half times as likely as white Americans to be killed by the police.


About 20 percent of Minneapolis’s population of 430,000 is black. But when the police get physical — with kicks, neck holds, punches, shoves, takedowns, Mace, Tasers or other forms of muscle — nearly 60 percent of the time the person subject to that force is black. And that is according to the city’s own figures.

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 13:17
06 Jun 2020 13:41

Looking at the scenes in central London it seems social distancing has been abandoned, you can do what the hell you like now, the authorities won't stop you.

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 15:20

CCTV footage from a shop has already shown that the police lied when they said he resisted arrest


1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 15:27

Did the authorities take any action against Dominic Cummings?


And neither did Boris.

So is it any wonder that people are doing what the hell they like.

I'm only surprised that you seem surprised.  

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 15:41

I have heard two conversations this morning from my open window and both conversations were along the lines "it's all over bar the shouting nothing to worry about now" my thoughts they have no idea what is round the corner. 

06 Jun 2020 16:09

There seems to be double standards at play here...

Labour MP Stephen Kinnock breaks lockdown rules to visit his father on his birthday (March 28th)

Labour MP Tahir Ali attends funeral with scores of people in attendance (April 1st)

Labour MP Rosie Duffield breaks lockdown rules to meet her married boyfriend (April)


1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 16:32

No double standards Burneside.

For.They. Are. Not. Part. Of. The. Group. Which. Makes. The. Covid. Rules.

(apologies for using a two syllable word  - I did try very hard to use only one syllable ones in order to aid your comprehension)   


PS Rosie Duffield did the honorable thing and resigned her post as a Labour whip. Unlike a certain unelected SPAD. 

PPS and then there's the matter of Tory MP Bob Seely    


3 Agrees
06 Jun 2020 17:12

Cummings did not write the rules, the scientific and medical advisers did that, but using your reasoning if you do not personally make the rules you can ignore them?  

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 18:08

Of course Cummings is involved in the policy decisions of Number 10.!

What do you think his job is?!

Of course he is involved in the writing of the rules. 

The problem with the lack of resignation of Cummings/sacking of him by Boris is that it sends out the message that if Cummings can hypocritically break/bend rules that he has been involved in formulating then so can everyone else.

And many are now doing that very thing.


I know that Cummings likes to thing of himself as a rebel, as a non-conformist, as anti establishment. But irony of ironies now, because of the very nature of his job, he finds himself part of the establishment he so despises.  He works at the very top of it. What he does or doesn't do matters.




2 Agrees
06 Jun 2020 18:53

The rules were written by and on the advice of the scientific and medical experts, how many more times does it have to be said before you understand that? And of course, we all know the real reason why there was a pile-on to get rid of Cummings.

1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 19:12

Pitiful turnout ( 400 ) at exeter for the BLM, seems most folk had common sense and stayed away or perhaps the did not want to catch covid-19. Maybe we should have a all lives matter demonstration.

Norwich council apoligise for painting over grafitti.????  not to mention cops going down on one knee, perhaps should stay upright and try and solve crime.............


1 Agree
06 Jun 2020 19:34

The scenes in London are utterly disgraceful, violent protestors rampaging through streets, and on today of all days Churchill's statue and the Cenotaph have been vandalised.  And there's another protest planned for outside the American Embassy tomorrow, it should be banned forthwith.

3 Agrees
06 Jun 2020 19:59

@Burneside - anyone else 'caught' transgressing the rules who held positions of authority have resigned or at the very least apologised. Cummings has done neither. And whether he or you like it or not his position in No 10 means he is in a position of authority. If he cocks a snoop at what people are supposed to do, or not supposed to do, then others will follow suit.


It is as straightforward as that.   


4 Agrees
07 Jun 2020 10:18

BTW, Racism works both ways.

I was spat at by black people some years ago.

What was my crime?


Being WHITE!

5 Agrees
07 Jun 2020 11:15

@Carer... racism works both ways, but in generral the law does not.

07 Jun 2020 18:15


That's because blacks are more responsible for gang warefare, Drug Dealing, Rioting, Looting, Racism, Violence, Hatred, Disrespect, Knife Crime, Shootings, muggings.

Now, you will go and scour the news for reports of white people doing it but in real life, I rest my case.



3 Agrees
07 Jun 2020 18:38

Who is George Floyd ????

A violent criminal with a rap sheet as long as the Mississippi River who likes pointing guns at pregnant women stomach’s, but hey ho he was a loving father who would do anything for his family apart from work for a living.



3 Agrees
08 Jun 2020 11:08

OMG. I'm Traumatised.

Us white English have been invaded by the Romans, the Normans, and then by William of Orange.

The Romans definately made us slaves and we were slaves/servants of the Normans.

Now then, let's all go round the country pulling down anything of Roman and Norman heritage as I just can't sleep.

What about those poor Catholics who have to look at William of Orange's statue when they visit Brixham!

Let's pull that down as well.

Sod it. Let's destroy everything and build a brand new Babylon Britain and pretend that we have no history in this once great land so we don't offend anyone.



4 Agrees
09 Jun 2020 13:12

I see the thuggery is spreading to Oxford later today with a planned protest at the Cecil Rhodes statue, I just hope the police actually make some effort this time to protect the monument.  Also, very disturbingly, Sadiq Khan is intending to set up the Orwellian "Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm" with the power to remove landmarks, and change road names if they do not fit the PC criteria. 

PS The thugs have now produced an online map detailing all the monuments they want activists to topple, which includes two Francis Drake statues in Plymouth.

2 Agrees
09 Jun 2020 16:07


Exactly, what have the romans ever done for us.................................

09 Jun 2020 16:34

As they say when in rome do as the romans do.

1 Agree
09 Jun 2020 16:37

burnside, and Penny Lane is on the hit list.

10 Jun 2020 12:30

I wonder if the actions of the BLM will fuel intolerance and racism.

2 Agrees
10 Jun 2020 12:55

HBO has already removed the film Gone with the Wind from its streaming service, this is just like burning books because people don't like the content.

2 Agrees
10 Jun 2020 17:19

Damn!!! suppose that means not much chance of black and white minstrels being repeated on telly.

2 Agrees
10 Jun 2020 20:52

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,
every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has
been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing
day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists
except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

George Orwell, “1984”

6 Agrees
11 Jun 2020 12:25

Been watching the BBC news and NOTHING about blacks in Hackney beating up two police, one of which was a WPC.



5 Agrees
11 Jun 2020 12:32

Fahrenheit 451! Adolf Hitler! Syria! etc, etc

1 Agree
11 Jun 2020 12:33

The BBC's interpretation of "news" is very selective indeed.

2 Agrees
11 Jun 2020 13:12

With the current furore about statues that are now deemed inappropriate, it's worth noting that the sculptures which are incorporated into BBC Broadcasting House in central London were created by Eric Gill, a serial sex abuser who repeatedly molested his daughters, and even his own dog. The BBC, however, thinks it is perfectly fine to keep the statues in place because he was a respected 20th century artist.  Double standards all round.


3 Agrees
11 Jun 2020 17:39

@ burnside

"The BBC's interpretation of "news" is very selective indeed"

It was on the BBC website (yes, I know you hate the BBC) but despite what you say about the BBC, It HAPPENED.

Because blacks were the culprits, Media would be afraid to report too much against them.


W L M.

1 Agree
11 Jun 2020 17:40

anthony josha (boxer) says boycott white shops, isn't that racist?   celebrities with no sense of irony make me laugh..............

6 Agrees
12 Jun 2020 06:13

Well thanks to those young people for knowing everything. I'm very grateful to you for educating us older stupid people.

I don't know how we managed before.

3 Agrees
25 Jun 2020 12:16
25 Jun 2020 14:21

There is a serious lack of white chocolate compared to brown and dark chocolate in supermarkets. I can only conclude everyone is racist against white people.

2 Agrees
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