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Dawlish News

Snowflake society? I don't think so! Riots on the streets more like.

1 Jan 2019

Obesity be cut down? I don't think so! Britain’s post-Brexit trade deal with the United States could lead to even higher rates of obesity through the import of American foods high in fat and sugar, children’s doctors have warned.

1 Jan 2019

Just imagine the uproar, the hullabaloo, Should our food end up rationed as per World War Two

30 Dec 2018

From looking at the press release found via the link I've given above, it seems the briefing paper (which can also be accessed by the link I've given above) has been sent to all councils. So DCC and TDC councillors take note (and even, perhaps, DTC councillors?) Perhaps The Lawn in Dawlish might become a communal allotment after all........

30 Dec 2018

Perhaps someone should draw DCC's attention to this: " Food will be affected by Brexit on all levels, regardless of the outcome of the Parliamentary vote on the Draft Withdrawal Agreement. As the date for leaving the EU approaches, preparations to ensure we have a safe, adequate and sustainable food supply need to start urgently. Local Authorities (LAs) have a vital part to play in these ...

30 Dec 2018

December 2018 - Devon County Council not Brexit stockpiling Q2: In preparation for Brexit, I want to find out if there has been any stockpiling of goods, or any planned. Has there been any stockpiling? Devon County Council has not, to date, stockpiled any goods as preparation for the UK’s departure from the EU. ...

There is a thread on Eyes of Dawlish concerning this matter. Sharon O'Sullivan posted about 19 hours ago ".........It's not good news . RIP Keiron. We are heart broken".

Oh to have had a camera with me. I've just passed said telegraph pole and there for all to see was a herring gull perched on top of the owl's head.

I think Gary the G might be giving them a run for their money in terms of being the town's 'most recognisable feature and major tourist attraction' .

It's a long eared owl.

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