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wondering's Posts

How annoying how he kept saying ....'friends' ...'you know what friends..and this is Britain' Was more like an evangelist meeting....gather they had someone standing for all to see with a board saying 'stand'..'clap' lol

25 Sep 2013

Yes big trouble.. But the mums and new voters will fall for his tempters.  Why does he want 16 year olds to vote? , they would have been 11 or 12 when the last Government were in power. Makes more sense to increase vote age rather than lower it. Labout MP yesterday their 24/7 allowing drinking was a mistake.. People need to stock up on candles for black out days, I noticed nobody on here ...

Ed seems to be getting in a right pickle ..other day he said he wanted to tax business more and today he wants to support them. That dont make a lot of sense to me,

22 Sep 2013

Expected you all to be excited that amazing Ed has said ...he will do away with it!..

17 Sep 2013

Bet people put Labour back in power! .....'spend spend' and give more benefits to everyone, tax high anyone who starts a new business and employs staff.  They know how to do it lol...then five years later it has to be sorted out all over again!

13 Sep 2013

Yes but people just dont do good news on here!

Why is everyone in such a hurry to get from A to B, by rail or even in a car. Is there nothing worth seeing on the way?   Old rail timetables will show it took 7 to 8 hours to get to Penzance in British Rail days .

10 Sep 2013

The journey time is planned to be 20 minutes quicker than now, new departure area are to be built to cope with the extra passeengers but it was reported they will be so large that 20 minutes should be allowed to access them,,,so no gain!  Better to open old lines where they need to be and yes upgrade existing ones.

H new generation ..I did not mean those already in the Army but those who would suddenly help.. like on D Day with the boats.  I cant see them bothering, they seem too busy playing war games on mobiles and x box. On Channel 4 news Monday, a group of teenagers were interviewed re Syria, they didnt think it was important people had been killed by poison and was not our business at all.. ...

3 Sep 2013

Yes ..but doubt if people there would allow that now,. I really cant see our new generation here putting up a fight for their country like they did in the 40s.. We stand alone ..UK so popular ..cant even get points at the Eurovision Song contest lol.