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Viaduct's Posts

This site is one of many where anyone can air their views and enlighten others of what is going on in society that some of us think they should know about. Much of what is written, would never find it's way into the local press. Not because there is anything wrong with what is said, but because it could be damaging to the paper itself, or that is how many editors view it. Papers do not make their ...

28 Aug 2008

And she never offered to give it back!!! And she is a Judge who would do you if you stepped out of line. Cherie Blair 'wrong' taking charity cash July 11, 2008 - 7:02AM Cherie Blair, the wife of former British prime minister Tony Blair, has admitted she was wrong to accept money for her controversial speaking tour of Australia. Blair came under fire two years ago amid reports she had pocketed ...

How big is your drinks cabinet Don?

As Joey Deacon has shied away from answering straightforward questions in spite of his promise, I thought I would add a little more to the undoing’s of Rotary and Roundtable etc. I am not getting at Joey for what he does, I am getting at him for what he can’t see. From the Guardian news paper, it highlights some of the things that some of us have been warning others about. WHERE DOES YOUR MONEY ...

I u consider it to be good news, then there is a place for u.

28 Aug 2008

Where's Joey?

28 Aug 2008

I see Dawlish didn't make it! To many con artists here Dawlish,. CCTV can see you and help get a conviction for litter dropping, but can't see the con artists that wasted tax - payers money on financing the project.

26 Aug 2008

Buildings are being knocked down as businesses seek to avoid paying tax on empty properties, a government regeneration chief has warned. John Nicholls, chief executive of the Urban Regeneration Companies, said the scrapping of rate relief on empty industrial property was leading to "pre-emptive demolitions". John Moylan reports.

Joey Deacon is a man of his word, nothing strange in that except his word is silence. Asking questions of Rotary/Roundtable has obviously touched a nerve or two. Why do Rotary have to collect for other charities was one of the questions I asked. Cllr Ted Shockin Hockin aswered for you Joey instead with a short article in the Dawlish Gazette Aug 13 2008. Former Rotary club hit man Cllr Ted ...

26 Aug 2008

Wages have little or nothing to do with the price of property. Property prices reflect one's ability to pay what is asked and not what it is worth. You could be on the lowest end of the wages ladder, yet auntie May may have left you a sum that would make it possible for you to by the earth. Property was/is only affordable to those with the secured ability to pay. Many did not and do not have ...