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General Discussion

Its what I have always said this council continues to demonise dogs, remember the lies they told about killing black swans (12 in the last 18 months). There has to be a hidden agenda somewhere, has anybody else looked on their DTC, web site, there you will find - it takes a bit of finding - a survey that includes questions about dogs. As we all know you can phrase any question to get the answer ...

I certainly agree with YOUR interpretation of the word.

signing up
29 Aug 2007

Webmaster i have tried numerous times to sign up and receive confirmation email but it just doesnt happen, any reason for this?

This is what you said 'drunken brawls and cat fights that go on in town after dark not to mention petty vandalism. You twit they cannot see at night

25 Aug 2007

I think its you that needs a reality check, the cameras cannot catch anything at night as they are not infra red, plus on the lawn they can hardly see a thing due to the leaves on the trees. Even the Police say that have tecnical problems and the Town Clerk stated they need tweaking, what he didnt say is that they have to spend more of your money to buy new ones.

If you remember our town council wasted £80,000 + on CCTV that doesnt work at night and can't see all of the lawn because of leaves on the trees,they should have spent the money on the skateboarding for the youngsters, instead they spent £500 on a temporary ramp which they can only use once a month and they thought what a wonderful thing they had done for the Kids, PATHETIC. Why not bombard the ...

It seems common sense has prevailed and the CPS have withdrawn the fixed penalty placed on K Sharpe for the poster he spread around Dawlish. Inspector Perry must be seething that his decision has been overturned, he should have givn more thought to his actions instead of listening to small minded people. Well done to K Sharpe for not giving in to the threats levied at him.

Try John Winchester (Town Clerk) who should give you a contact number for our Water Fowl Warden, but dont hold your breath he hates giving out information. His email

The lines are traffic counters monitoring number of vehicles and speed they travel at, putting them there at the height of the season give an unreasonable set of figures that the Council can use for what ever they wish.

Take a look at yesterdays Dawlish Gazette back page, Derek Port our Water Fowl Warden Quote ' A large number of swans have also been lost to dog attacks' If that was true which I don't believe is true, what happened to cctv.

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