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pensioner's Posts

Retired if you have to pay council tax then you have a private pension. I dont pay it because I am on the minimum state pension/pension credit

14 Mar 2008

I can assure you I dont drink or smoke. Those people probably have private pensions.Tax payers pay for child benefit working tax credit child tax credit etc. We pay the highest water rates in the country and I am left with less money than others elsewhere on basic pension. My flat is all electric my direct debit is £47 a month out of £119 it leaves me with £72 to pay bills and feed myself

14 Mar 2008

I am on state pension and credits I recieve the same amount as my friend in Lincs she pays $15 a month water rates mine are £23 I cant have a meter where I live.

7 Mar 2008

Why are people so negative about change. I get the free Tescos bus and then have to get a taxi home it still works out cheaper than shopping in Dawlish and there is more selection. Its only people worried about their houses falling in value who oppose it. Well I live very close to the leisure center and would welcome it. There are a lot of people who would benefit have Cheaper food in Dawlish we ...

elderly population
11 Feb 2008

As a pensioner can say I have never been so well off, have no private pension but am doing okay dont have to pay council tax £200 heating allownace and free bus pass. I have my own home which is paid for if I was renting wouldnt have to pay rent. The trouble with us older folk we think the world owes us something and a lot of my peers seem to have a real downer on the youth. I went to work at 15 ...